ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

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[Controller] Controller targetting system is not working #11544

Open Eduardo-Thiesen opened 1 year ago

Eduardo-Thiesen commented 1 year ago

Ability name

Any unit targeted skill


According to the controller FAQ, targets selected with L1/L2 should take priority when attempting to cast spells and use items (I'll continue to refer to spells through the description, but everything applies to items). However, currently the game is first attempting to target the controlled unit first, usually your hero.

Reproduction steps and resulting behaviour for each case:

1) Enemy target/Spell can only target enemies

- Target enemy with L2
- Tap button for the spell

- Spell icon will be be highlighted as if you were attempting to cast it in K/M mode
- Ground area of effect indicators (Like Sven's stun area) will show up at the location of the hidden cursor
- Green targetting line will show up between hero and hidden cursor
- Tapping the button again will cast the spell

Additional notes: 
- Holding the spell button a bit longer will cast the spell correctly
- This behaviour is consistent regardless of quickcast settings

2) Enemy target/Spell can target allies or enemies

3) Allied target

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

Tested in hero demo mode and new player mode. (Testing on Steam Deck with default template + right trackpad set to mouse)

Eduardo-Thiesen commented 2 weeks ago

Update (not that anyone is actually following controller issues...):

As of the puppet master update, holding L1 or L2 to target a unit, then pressing L3 will select that unit and move the camera to them. Which allows you to cast unit targetted spells.

However, I still believe the targetting system is bugged, and that selecting the unit shouldn't be necessary. This current interaction doesn't work when trying to cast spells on other units you control, since you'd stop controlling your hero when selecting the other unit.