ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Arc Warden's Tempest Double gains an ability point, can skill Tempest Double and cast itself creating an additional clone. #11589

Open RileyHunter opened 1 year ago

RileyHunter commented 1 year ago

Ability name

Tempest Double


During a game of turbo, Arc Warden (myself) gained an ability point on the Tempest Double unit, which should not be possible. Using this ability point I was able to level up the Tempest Double ability on the Tempest Double unit (16:11 game clock). From that point onwards, the Tempest Double was able to also cast a level 1 Tempest Double (18:14 game clock), meaning three Arc Wardens on the field at once.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7321342029 - 16:11 (Tempest Double levels an ability), 18:14 (Tempest Double casts Tempest Double)

RileyHunter commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of

Leaving this issue up as I'm not sure of the etiquette for duplicates.

KazsaB commented 1 year ago explanation. Tempest Double receives XP when enemy creeps are denied allowing for the double to level up and use skill points. In the match, riki denied creeps causing the double to level up. This xp is reset upon the main hero leveling up.