ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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New behaviour system abused by russians agains Ukrainian players #11616

Open neimovirne opened 1 year ago

neimovirne commented 1 year ago


The situation:

russia starts the biggest war in Europe since World War II and commits the genocide of Ukrainians. For the last two years I have only been playing on Western European servers. Every day, the game throws from one to four russians to my team who do not miss the opportunity to tell me how they will come and kill my whole family, how I will die from rocket fire tonight and so on. When I start to communicate in English with the team, they start calling me pindos (an insulting name for those who communicate in English), then they say "we can hear your accent, speak russian, we don't speak English", russian fascists don't even think about that Ukraine is a separate sovereign state with its own language and culture and no one here is obliged to know or speak russian language. I say that I do not speak russian and continue to communicate in English and receive a lot of reports on my behaviour. At the time of the new patch, my behaviour score was deliberately lowered by russians to 3400 points, after the patch, it collapsed to 1008. JUST BECAUSE THEY COME TO THE WESTERN EUROPE SERVERS AND DON'T UNDERSTAND ENGLISH WHAT THE FUCK VALVE???

For the last year, I sent a bunch of reports to specific profiles in steam due to harassment, threats and death wishes from russians. I have not received any response to any report. Why the hell are you allowing fucking fascists break this game? I demand ban from EU servers for all russian fascists. They have their regional russian servers but still coming to play on WEST EU every fucking day and making this shit again and again I have countless screencast evidence to prove my words as well as other Ukrainian players

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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johnwickg21 commented 1 year ago

Valve is Russian puppet my friend , they will never ban them as long as they are earning money from them! Money are evil.