ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Open Shahnurhon opened 9 months ago

Shahnurhon commented 9 months ago

Item name



Dear Valve Team,

I am writing to you with intense frustration and disappointment regarding a bug that has been disrupting normal gameplay in Dota 2 and, seemingly, has been ignored for far too long. This bug, related to Monkey King's Aghanim's Scepter, is so infuriating and game-breaking that it has led to numerous losses on my part and an overall loss of enjoyment in the game.

The issue revolves around the fact that Monkey King's statues do not appear as they should after obtaining Aghanim's Scepter. This glitch renders Monkey King completely unplayable and turns him into an undesirable hero. As this bug becomes increasingly widespread, players like myself are faced with unjustified losses of MMR and a diminished interest in playing.

We, the Dota 2 players, have invested a considerable amount of time and effort into mastering various heroes and strategies. But when such a critical bug goes unaddressed, it creates feelings of helplessness and disillusionment. We expect Valve to provide support and regular updates that enhance the gaming experience, not deteriorate it.

You bear a significant responsibility to your player base, and you should rectify this bug as soon as possible. Do not allow the situation to worsen further or erode the trust of your gaming community.

You have a huge player base and the potential for Dota 2 to thrive, but ignoring fundamental issues like this can lead to its downfall. We hope you take this message seriously and take urgent action to fix the Monkey King Aghanim's Scepter issue in Dota 2. Our gaming experiences and rankings are at stake, and we expect a response and resolution from you in the near future.

With profound disappointment and hope for improvement, mr. SHAH

Example Match ID and Timestamp

all time aganim mk

powerofgreed commented 9 months ago