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Marci's Sidekick lifesteal properties different from every other lifesteal #1218

Open Magn0dota opened 2 years ago

Magn0dota commented 2 years ago

Ability name



Mainly 2 things.

1- Sidekick lifesteal works on ward units that have actual HP values instead of "hits to destroy", like Veno wards. (I saw that someone reported this already but it's related to the ability so it felt appropriate to include it here)

2- Sidekick lifesteal does not work on overkill, attacking a 1hp target with Shallow Grave heals basically nothing.

Marci 1 Marci 2

I also notice it while laning, last hits on creeps that are very low hp heal an insignificant amount, while other lifesteal sources like Morbid Mask, Open Wounds and Feast work fully regardless of the target's health.

As far as I tested these behaviors happen for both Marci and the buffed Ally, does not feel like it's intended, the break fix was great but the ability still has some weird stuff going on. Thanks.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

6613527949 - 5:40 (just me last hitting a creep and not healing because it was very low)

Krev5 commented 2 years ago

I've just checked. Sidekick does not heal from any ward units. Shaman wards, pugna ward, tombstone or tombstone zombies, sentries. Can confirm that healing is reduced, if a unit is at low hp. Check here the last 3 hits 572 572 and 261 image

Magn0dota commented 2 years ago

I've just checked. Sidekick does not heal from any ward units. Shaman wards, pugna ward, tombstone or tombstone zombies, sentries. Can confirm that healing is reduced, if a unit is at low hp. Check here the last 3 hits 572 572 and 261 image

Oops, my bad i forgot to specify this part, i thought about it writing the later part of the post and forgot to go back and add it. It only heals from ward units that have actual HP instead of "hits to destroy", like Veno's Plague Wards and Lich's Ice Spire.