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List of bugged tooltips and skills (just with phylactery for now) #12590

Open commentator24 opened 9 months ago

commentator24 commented 9 months ago
7.34D maybe I will slowly make a big list of bugged tooltips here sorted by heroes so its easier to see. hope you guys can upvote with thumbs up so they notice to make faster future updates. e.g. when fixing phylactery.. you can also fix interaction with linken, counter spell. etc as well maybe? e.g. zeus(2) is UnitOrPoint target but am(3) / linken still works when zeus PointTarget ground. e.g. NP(1), NP(U) blocked when targeted, PointTarget not blocked by linken. e.g. sky(1T25) 25 talent pierce immunity but tooltip not updating to reflect the change. below is just for phylactery for now.. maybe will keep editing later for alt tooltips etc Hero Unit Point Works? Comments
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NoTarget, but throw is UnitTarget?
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Castable on enemy. Oracle(2) as comparison works.
DeathProphet(1), DragonKnight(1), Jakiro(1), Spectre(1), Troll(2)
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UnitOrPoint Target, but does not apply e.g. WhirlingAxe (ranged).
DragonKnight(2T25), WraithKing(1T25)
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Changed to area effect by level 25 talent, but casting type is still UnitTarget
EarthSpirit(1), NatureProphet(1)
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UnitOrPointTarget, but affects UnitTarget?
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Instantly applied instead of when projectile lands like Venge(1) or any other skills. Bugged?
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Soulbind dagon can cast 2x so maybe phylactery should as well? Bugged?
Hoodwink(1), Hoodwink(S)
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Only first target. If PointTarget, this does not work
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Only first target
Lion(2T25), Broodmother(3T20)
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Changed to area effect (PointTarget?) by level 20/25 talent
Lich(3A), Lion(UA), Nightstalker(1A), QoP(1A), Silencer(3A)
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Changed to area effect (PointTarget?) by aghanim
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UnitVectorTarget is single cast on enemy with shard. but still does not work
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ChanneledTarget. But UnitTarget projectile
Tiny(2), Tusk(2)
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Maybe tooltip suppose to be NoTarget? I understand initial casting is UnitTarget
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Auto-CastTarget, single target but does not work.
Zeus(1), Zeus(2T25)
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Only first target. Zeus bolt changed to area effect by level 25 talent, but still works

currently we have: ABILITIES: passive, no target, unit, unit vector, point, point vector, auto-cast, channeled, toggle. AFFECTS: allies, units (allies or enemies?), enemy units, enemy heroes

I think tooltip ABILITIES: or AFFECTS: need better, consistent labels or use colour code like how physical is red, magic is blue and pure is yellow. e.g. some heroes dont have AFFECTS: tooltip like lina(2). e.g. some skills have global sound effects like primalbeast(1), pudge(U) that enemy should be aware of. e.g. target upon cast or impact? it can be very confusing when alch skill works, while tusk dont; or when DK Wraith king talent works, while lion, lich, qop dont. e.g. skywrath(1) and (2). concussive shot is disjointable by blink, smoke, or shadowblade, while arcane bolt is not.

Instead of AFFECTS: enemy units, how about ground or area? e.g. ground (yellow) destroy trees? maybe area (green) cannot?

might edit again later credits to #8572

raynixs123 commented 8 months ago

Phylactery bugging on spectral dagger too.