ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

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Ogre ult plus Grum ult UB #12735

Open cyperleg opened 9 months ago

cyperleg commented 9 months ago

Ability name



Ogre ult doesn't work properly with grim ult, ignite works awesome only for primary target, but for second target casts only ones, without acting multicast, also if ogre activate item to soulbind's it will work only one time.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)


Philaeux commented 9 months ago

-> Ogre multicasts don't duplicate on grimstroke ultimate When casting spells on grimstroke link, Ogre simple first cast is copied, this copied cast can multicast on the linked target. However, if the spell on the first target multicasts (let's say you get a x2 stun), this one is not copied. Same with objects.

This may be the desired behavior (to not go into an infinite loop of multicasts).
