ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Game crashes as soon as I try to launch into pre-match hero selection or demo mode, recently switched to Win11 #12821

Open SAA2099 opened 10 months ago

SAA2099 commented 10 months ago


I've tried reinstalling, verifying integrity, moving drives, changing settings, and everything else under the sun to no avail. Every other game on Earth works fine by the way. Would appreciate any help. I've also ran the SFC and DISM utilities to see if theres anything wrong with windows but that isnt the case. I was able to play one game in between when I added openGL support to my game and it downloaded a bunch of files that werent needed and game started working. However it went back to crashing after that, just an idea but I think the game client has a problem with identifying and reacquiring missing files, because the memory dump shows im missing files but validation doesn't download them.

Here's the latest memory dump:

Loading Dump File [D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\bin\win64\dota2_2023_1015_100708_0_accessviolation.mdmp] Comment: 'Crash Uptime( 83.057416 ) Total frames( 4508 ) Curtime( 7.066667 ) Realtime( 0.000000 ) Current Map: 'hero_demo_main' Addons: hero_demo VPK overrides: hero_demo_main -> hero_demo_main SpawnCount: 2 Command Line: "dota2.exe" -steam +voice_fadeouttime 0 -prewarm_panorama +dota_disable_controller_support 1 -novid Launch path: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\bin\win64\dota2.exe Build: 9846 (revision 8418491) OS: Windows 10 Pro N (Build: 22621) (UBR: 2428) (Limited User) OS type: Windows 11 (21) Windows Game DVR: ENABLED Windows Game Mode: not active App UI Language: english, convar english, localization english_US Windows user default LCID: 0x0409 Misc: rate 80000 update 0 latency 0 msec Net: loopback:1 Time: Sun Oct 15 10:07:07 2023 Engine thread pool: 3 thread(s)

Render system: DX11 Driver Name: Radeon RX 560 Series Driver Version: 31.0.21902.5 VendorId / DeviceId: 0x1002 / 0x67ff SubSystem / Rev: 0x4be1043 / 0xcf DXLevel: 110 Texture memory: 4,272,939,008 Vid: Borderless Window, render at 1920 x 1080, display at 1920 x 1080, refresh rate 0.00Hz (60Hz desktop) Version:0, cpu_level:1, mem_level:2, gpu_mem_level:2, defaultres:1920, defaultresheight:1080, gpu_level:3, version:1, knowndevice:0, refreshrate_numerator:0, refreshrate_denominator:0, fullscreen:0, coop_fullscreen:0, nowindowborder:1, mat_vsync:0, fullscreen_min_on_focus_loss:1, high_dpi:0, cl_particle_fallback_base:0, cl_particle_fallback_multiplier:0.000000, dota_cheap_water:false, r_deferred_height_fog:true, r_deferred_simple_light:1, r_ssao:true, cl_globallight_shadow_mode:2, r_dota_fxaa:true, r_deferred_additive_pass:true, dota_portrait_animate:true, r_deferred_specular_bloom:true, r_deferred_specular:true, dota_ambient_creatures:true, dota_ambient_cloth:true, r_texture_stream_mip_bias:0, r_dota_normal_maps:true, r_dashboard_render_quality:true, shaderquality:1, recommendedheight:2160, r_grass_quality:2, r_dota_allow_wind_on_trees:true, r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping:true, r_dota_bloom_compute_shader:1, r_depth_of_field:1, mat_viewportscale:1.000000, r_fullscreen_gamma:2.200000, r_dota_fsr_upsample:0, r_low_latency:1,

System Memory: Memory load: 61% Total physical memory: 16281.62 MiB Free physical memory: 6219.75 MiB Total page file: 20889.62 MiB Free page file: 5813.99 MiB

ConVars (non-default):

                                       var                            value                          default
                                con_enable                             true                            false
                                sv_minrate                            80000                             5000
                                  hostname                        Jilawatan                                 
                                      name                        Jilawatan                          unnamed
                                    hostip                      -1062706065                                0
                            ent_pivot_size                               60                               20
    dota_global_item_shuffle_enabled_slots                             1119                                0

dota_global_item_shuffle_enabled_slots_upconverted true false hud_river_vial_ui_expanded false true dota_shop_force_hotkeys true false dota_show_popular_items false true dota_hud_show_minimal_shop true false overwatch_help_shown_once true false chat_wheel_phrase_13 596 61 dota_clip_builder_hide_game_ui true false dota_clip_builder_bitrate 15 30 dota_weekend_tourney_selected_division 3 0 chat_wheel_phrase_0 602 8 chat_wheel_phrase_3 608 3 chat_wheel_phrase_4 607 4 chat_wheel_phrase_5 606 5 chat_wheel_phrase_6 600 6 chat_wheel_phrase_7 601 7 chat_wheel_phrase_9 599 69 chat_wheel_phrase_10 598 79 chat_wheel_phrase_11 597 66 chat_wheel_phrase_12 596 80 dota_last_primary_event_id 45 0 dota_splash_ad_acknowledged_id 134 0 dota_last_acknowledged_plus_status 2 -1 cl_network_quality2 0 -1 dota_highest_seen_item_id 28485287222 0 dota_help_tips_enabled false true hero_grid_selected_config 0:#DOTA_Armory_Attributes treasure_escalating_rares_popup_seen true false dota_match_solo_fast_queue true false dota_custom_game_difficulty_mask 2 0 dota_featured_game_mode_splash_time 1666915045 0 dota_active_play_section_new 1 11 dota_dashboard_enable_mouse_history false true dota_new_player_seen_learn_tab true false dota_client_first_session false true dota_dashboard_launch_count 1055 0 dota_ti2023_quests_how_to_play_dismissed true false dota_fantasy_league_region 3 1 dota_matchgroups_automatic 65536 0 dota_redirect_allies_voice_to_private_coaching_gro false true dota_conduct_scorecard_latest_ack_seq_num 7513 0 dota_chat_allow_global false true dota_enable_direct_quickcast_bindings true false dota_enable_range_finder true false dota_minimap_hero_size 599.999878 600 dota_minimap_always_draw_hero_icons true false dota_last_event_id 31 0 dota_hero_overhead_names 1 0 dota_hud_colorblind 2 0 dota_camera_disable_zoom true false dota_camera_accelerate 49.066822 49 dota_camera_speed 3006.896484 3000 dota_camera_dotatv_smooth_drag true false dota_hud_flip false true dota_continue_click_movement_after_cast_cancel false true dota_reset_camera_on_spawn false true dota_screen_shake false true dota_player_multipler_orders true false dota_player_auto_repeat_right_mouse true false cl_updaterate 30 20 cl_interp 0.033 0.016 dota_turbo_matches_played 39 0

Console History (reversed)

435(83.057237): Loading Game State Integration: gamestate_integration_logitech.cfg 434(83.053702): ReadSteamRemoteStorageFile( bufOut, "voice_ban.dt" ) -> 0.000482 seconds 433(83.048383): CL: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules 432(83.048306): CDOTA_Hud_Main::DeleteGameEndScreen deleted GameEndContainer 431(83.048300): CDOTA_Hud_Main::EventGameRulesStateChanged DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT 430(83.047968): C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT' 429(82.933699): Failed to load. pName='DOTANeutralItems', bIncrementVersion=true, list: scripts/npc/npc_neutral_items_custom.txt 428(82.667787): ...done 427(82.665165): Initializing script VM... 426(82.555032): Failed to load. pName='DOTANeutralItems', bIncrementVersion=true, list: scripts/npc/npc_neutral_items_custom.txt 425(82.283780): CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo 424(82.283462): Server Number: 2 423(82.283461): Build: 9846 (revision 8418491) 422(82.283460): Players: 1 (0 bots) / 64 humans 421(82.283459): Map: "hero_demo_main" 420(82.283453): Game: "Dota 2" 419(82.264140): Client 0 'Jilawatan' setting rate to 80000 418(82.264123): ClientPutInServer create new player controller [Jilawatan] 417(82.263907): CL: Connected to 'loopback:1' 416(82.263726): Associating NetChan client loopback:1[0] (loopback:1) with Steam Net Connection handle #2697924236 (userdata 1) 415(82.256402): Associating NetChan Jilawatan loopback:0[1] (loopback:0) with Steam Net Connection handle #225590648 (userdata 0) 414(82.243020): Connected loopback client=a0cf0e8c@loopback:1 <-> server=d723d78@loopback:0 413(82.243013): Created poll group for socket 'client' 412(82.243006): [#225590648 pipe] connected 411(82.242838): [#2697924236 pipe] connected 410(82.241656): CL: CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback' 409(82.241653): CL: CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server 408(82.241645): CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_loading -> ss_active) 407(81.256469): --- 406(81.256467): CL: prerequisite : .'CFinalizeConnectionPrerequisite' 405(81.256464): CL: pending : 7/7 404(81.256461): CL: prerequisite : .'CAsyncShaderCompilePrequisite' 403(81.256458): CL: pending : 6/7 402(81.256455): CL: firstspawngroup: ..waiting for first spawn group 401(81.256452): CL: prerequisite : .'CLoadSpawnGroupsPrerequisite' 400(81.256448): CL: pending : 5/7 399(81.256444): CL: waiting : ..waiting for startup resource list 398(81.256440): CL: : .'CLoadStartupResourcePrerequisite' 397(81.256437): CL: pending : 4/7 396(81.256433): CL: prerequisite : .'CConnectGameClientPrerequisite' 395(81.256430): CL: pending : 3/7 394(81.256426): CL: prerequisite : .'CCreateGameClientPrerequisite' 393(81.256422): CL: pending : 2/7 392(81.256418): CL: waiting : ..waiting for IsServerRunning() 391(81.256414): CL: prerequisite : .'CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite' 390(81.256409): CL: pending : 1/7 389(81.256404): CL: sequential : 'CGameClientConnectPrerequisite' 388(81.256395): CL: CGameClientConnectPrerequisite status 387(81.256361): @ Current : levelload 386(81.256358): Queued : game 385(81.256355): ----- Status ----- 384(81.256351): Client: Disconnected 383(81.256335): Server: Inactive 382(81.248525): GC Connection established for server version 5896 381(81.248507): CMsgClientWelcome subscribed: 0 up-to-date, 0 out-of-date 380(81.248497): Received server welcome from GC. 379(81.248477): Recv msg 4005 (k_EMsgGCServerWelcome), 26 bytes 378(81.038607): Certificate expires in 48h00m at 1697519225 (current time 1697346424), will renew in 46h00m 377(81.038362): AuthStatus (steamid:90177167058855951): OK (OK) 376(80.927929): CResponseSystem: failed to load scripts/talker/response_rules_custom.txt 375(80.906178): sHeroSelection: npc_dota_hero_treant 374(80.906144): Hero Demo game mode loaded. 373(80.647615): SV: VAC secure mode disabled. 372(80.647504): OnSteamServersConnected() 371(80.647495): AuthStatus (steamid:90177167058855951): Attempting (Requesting cert) 370(80.647447): Gameserver logged on to Steam, assigned identity steamid:90177167058855951 369(80.647378): Send msg 4007 (k_EMsgGCServerHello), 22 bytes 368(80.647333): Logged on to Steam, set GC connection state to NO_SESSION 367(80.646998): SV: ServerSteamID=[A:1:3647268879:24487] (90177167058855951). 366(80.646813): SV: Connection to Steam servers successful. 365(80.623520): CNetworkGameServerBase::SetServerState (ss_waitingforgamesessionmanifest -> ss_loading) 364(80.621158): SV: Spawn Server: hero_demo_main 363(74.637512): Recv msg 8730 (k_EMsgClientToGCRequestAccountGuildPersonaInfoBatchResponse), 542 bytes 362(74.161881): Job CDOTA_UI_GuideBrowser::EventShowGuide has spent >3.000ms without yielding: 5.550ms 361(74.119933): Send msg 8729 (k_EMsgClientToGCRequestAccountGuildPersonaInfoBatch), 219 bytes 360(74.119727): CAsyncWriteInProgress::OnComplete( "cfg/stats.dat" ) -> Success at 74.120 359(74.113420): WriteSteamRemoteStorageFileAsync( "cfg/stats.dat" ) -> at 74.113 358(74.000808): SV: CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules 357(74.000797): CDOTAGameRules::State_Enter DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT curtime:1.000000 realtime:74.000795 356(74.000783): S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT' 355(73.939378): Failed to load. pName='DOTANeutralItems', bIncrementVersion=true, list: scripts/npc/npc_neutral_items_custom.txt 354(73.676452): SV: Executing listen server config file 353(73.676445): SV: Executing server defaults 352(73.676316): Failed loading resource "scripts/player.vdata_c" (ERROR_FILEOPEN: User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

No response


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commentator24 commented 10 months ago

hardware / driver / no admin privilege maybe? doesnt it say access violation? im not an expert at this but usually access violations are caused by the software trying to access memory locations that are reserved for other programs or devices, no longer available, or can’t be accessed for some reason. As a result, the connection cannot be created, and the system cannot perform required tasks.

Windows have registry files and maybe old paths changed after new updates cause memory errors? e.g. maybe try reinstall steam or repair library? no need redownload dota just put it elsewhere like desktop temporarily. disk cleanup, defrag too maybe

is your GPU working at 100% when running dota 2? is your Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling ON (windows graphics setting) to help with this?

maybe router / antivirus / firewall (added dota 2 as exception?) / qos (added dota 2 to quality of service in modem setting?) / memory leaks related?

try google a bit on how to fix access violation for dota 2 too