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The new reporting system is being abused (+proof) #12928

Open WolftaresDerCoder opened 11 months ago

WolftaresDerCoder commented 11 months ago


Since the update I have recieved 3 chatmutes, the newest one lasting for 30 ENTIRE DAYS, that all felt quite unjustified. I have written to steamsupport about this and they linked me this GitHub Page besides being useless as always. Since this is not an unban request forum I decided to test the points about the system being broken that I have made in my support request (screenshot below). Sadly I found one of them was actually true.

These are all my Chat-Related reports from yesterday where 'action was taken', so I assume all of those people got a chat mute. (again, screenshots below, match ID's below are in order)

Spectre - we won the game, he played well, but in a way that many not-pos-1-players hate, he farmed while periodically joining just to steal a kill with ult. In base siege he died more frequently than he maybe should have, considering his farm

Pudge - we lost, he picked Pudge core (unpopular amongst the dota community), he went 5/10/10 and had >50% killparticipation on offlane

Phantom Assasin - we lost, disconnected before the game started, came back at min 3, didnt get into game well, went 6/10/10 in 45 min as carry, won next game vs me with a good performance (even got 'action taken' on a 'griefing' report)

Jakiro 1 - same game as PA, wanted laneswap with muerta pos 4, still went 1/5/2 in lane, ended on 4/15/15

---the whole PA and Jak 1 game was rough and some flaming happened but nothing notable---

Jakiro 2 - Horrible game all in all, all lanes lost, he went 2/12/8, wouldnt be surprised if everybody just reported everybody here

Now whats the Problem here? I personally believe NONE of those people shouldve been muted for the games in question. I strategically issued the Chat reports during games or phases in which team morale was down and blaming (not in chat, in our teams' heads) was happening, to confirm my suspicion, that the new 'refined' report system is currently being heavily abused by the playerbase to punish their teammates for having a bad game. I am so sure of this, because as steam support pointed out to me, reports are not persuaded if only one person reports, therefore my other teammates also actively abused the system to punish someone they simply didnt like. While the players in question did obviously occasionally talk and complain, none of those complaints were 'disruptive behaviour', and should not be punished. The behaviour of using chat report like this, is something I also found when talking to other Dota players about my current 30 days ban.

I am therefore very sorry to everyone I reported, I did this to prove my theory and hopefully change dota to the better with this request.

I have also read the Summer-Update Blog post, and to me it seems that not only the 'malicious or toxic people' are being punished. Because regarding my findings above, the 'real-time' analysis of chat and voice chat is failing and you should in fact not have 'more confidence intaking action against bad actors' as most of the people you are currently 'taking action' against are in fact not 'bad actors' but simply players that have a bad game and are falsely reported. As someone who tries to use chat and voicechat as a means of communication in every game, this makes me and others that play like me, very vulnerable to bad games, because as soon as we make mistakes, we are likely to be reported and eventually punished for 'toxic behaviour' inspite of not actually being toxic.

Should this post convince anybody in the development team that changes do indeed have to be made, I suggest removing all bans for now, as people that are actually toxic, will get banned again soon enough. As for what I have experienced, I think the time between one ban wearing off and being able to recieve a new one is far too short, as I basically got my 30 days shortly after the end of the 7 days before that.

Last note: If you believe everything currently is as it should be, AT LEAST rework the mechanic that chat mute applies to party chat and in the same way to team chat in 5stack games. The people you can communicate with in those situations CHOSE to play with you and should therefore be able to communicate with you.

If you are not responsible for dota development and agree with my point of view, please upvote this. This is not the only forum I will post this in. Playing without comms is not fun! Help us save Dota!

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7389006637 (Spec); 7389100423 (Pudge); 7389209797 (PA&Jak 1); 7389316688 (Jak 2)


Screenshot 2023-10-20 125012









Kowalski-BKL commented 11 months ago

Can confirm. In my expierence this also correlates with game quality. If losing people report just "because" We already have a mute function so anyone can mute if they do not want to hear another person.