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Inconsistent behaviour of hidden mechanic and Legion Commander's Duel #1301

Open f333333b opened 2 years ago

f333333b commented 2 years ago

Ability name



Inconsistent behaviour of hidden mechanic and Legion Commander's Duel. Most of the abilities that provide hidden status don't interrupt the Duel, except for these ones that immediately stop the Duel for some reason:

Slark - Depth Shroud Pudge - Dismember (with Aghs Shard) Phoenix - Supernova (with Aghs Scepter)

Other abilities don't stop the Duel: Outworld Devourer - Astral Imprisonment Tusk - Snowball Shadow Demon - Disruption Earth Spirit - Enchant Totem (with Aghs Scepter) Snapfire - Gobble Up

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

6606543098 - 31:01

TheZett commented 2 years ago

Depth Shroud is a carry-over from when the old Aghs turned Shadow Dance into an AoE aura. Units affected by Shadow Dance (and thus Depth Shroud) will not be able to participate in duels (it instantly ends).

Lifestealer’s old Aghs "Assimilate" was repurposed for Pudge’s shard, so they use the same mechanic.

Duel was coded to instantly end when a unit gets assimilated, which carried over to shard Dismember.

Supernova was also intentionally changed to instantly end duel, to make LC not stand around the egg and do nothing until the duel ends.

The three spell behaviours you mentioned are all intended according to older changelogs.

That aside, some spells, like Snowball, should not be able to affect dueling units (just like it already cannot affect units affected by chrono or black hole).

f333333b commented 2 years ago

There is only information about Aghs Supernova interaction with Duel being "fixed", other than that I would like to see older changelogs on Aghs Shard Dismember and Depth Shroud.

Phoenix's Aghs Supernova was changed back in 2015 when Legion didn't have Aghs Scepter that provides 8 second duration Duel or many other options to make it last longer (lowering status resistance, debuff duration amplification etc) which allows you to kill the target even after the successful Supernova or any other spell. The game changed a lot and a necessity of any such mechanic restrictions doesn't exist anymore in my opinion.

There are only 8 (eight) skills in the game that use hidden mechanic and can be used on an ally hero: Enchant Totem Gobble Up Astral Imprisonment Supernova (with Aghs Scepter) Dismember (with Aghs Shard) Disruption Snowball Depth Shroud

Even if there are mentions about those changes being intended it doesn't explain the inconsistancy of hidden mechanic which should work with Duel the same way by every spell. How those 3 spells are different from others? Balance-wise it doesn't make sense.

anotherCoward commented 1 year ago

@f333333b there is a new upgrade that can hide a unit during a Duel.


  • Now upgradable by Aghanim's Shard Allows up to 1 allied hero to bunker inside of the Tombstone. Ally can bunker by pressing RMB on the Tombstone while in 350 radius. Bunkered units cannot leave the Tombstone for 3 seconds after entering. Unit that left the Tombstone cannot re-enter it for 3 seconds. If Undying decides to enter the Tombstone while another ally is inside, the ally is forcefully evicted. Undying also receives the Grab Ally ability, which bunkers a hero to the nearest Tombstone within 400 range (this ability is also present on the Tombstone itself)