ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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9850 bs to 6500 in 4 matches due to troll accounts, make doxxing people in game a bannable offence #13024

Open Aikirob opened 10 months ago

Aikirob commented 10 months ago


the report system is being abused by troll accounts to punish players, I keep getting in teams in ranked matchmaking with people who aren't playing their roles, people who pick support role, don't pick their role, do no supporting, flame relentlessly, socially manipulate everyone into reporting everyone else and burning down everyone and everything around them, this happened 4 games in a row leaving me no choice as a hard carry but to farm jungle, which the trolls took that as an excuse to get everyone in the game to report me, this has happened in the last 4 games I've played, I always hit commend at the end of every match to show good sportsmanship and help people out, sometimes its thrown back, most of the time not unless, I've won with a landslide victory. my behaviour score has plummeted due to these troll accounts from over 9000 to 6500 and now I cant play anymore because matchmaking wont let me in any matches anymore.

the system is designed to let trolls report you for nothing, even if you dont get a penalty for the games at all, I reported those people back, but it hasnt done anything to help, I've been playing this game for 20 years and this is the most toxic the game has ever been, you can't even play solo ranked anymore.

ya gotta fix it so only one report counts toward the drop in behaviour score, not 9 or we are all just going to be report nuked into oblivion.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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Aikirob commented 10 months ago

get good scrub its your own fault, there I already said what the first comment on these things always is, you dont have to troll its been done, move on

Aikirob commented 10 months ago

make doxxing people by saying "everyone report this person because i dont like them", a bannable offence or change the system so only one report counts toward behaviour score for a single match to stop troll accounts from doxxing.

NAlexP commented 10 months ago

13000 They just need to bring back the system to where it was ~2 weeks ago, not sure if the AI started freaking out or wtf happened, but something did happen and it's affecting the quality of matches and the behaviour scores of people.