ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

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Glimmer Cape combo with Axe Call #13152

Open MrBoBBx opened 10 months ago

MrBoBBx commented 10 months ago

Item name

Glimmer Cape


When you put glimmer on axe and Axe use his call ability, the debuff stay on the enemy, but they can move free So.... Axe call + Glimmer cape = No call on enemy

Example Match ID and Timestamp

7407931336 -Time- Min 20:15

Aluerie commented 10 months ago

d #8919

MrBoBBx commented 10 months ago

d #8919

So this is how it should work ? or its a bug ?

Aluerie commented 10 months ago

So this is how it should work ? or its a bug ?

It's definitely a questionable interaction that been this way for at least ~5 years (proof). Also this.

It seems odd that the taunted hero is allowed to input only ONE command (they can move, even cast spells, but only allowed to perform just one action - they stand still afterwards) which makes me think of it as a bug.

But what should the taunted hero do when they don't see Axe bcs of invis?

Idk, it needs to be clarified by the devs.

This interaction is also the case for Huskar R Aghs.

thehuey commented 10 months ago

I suppose this would be an example where having a sentry would negatively affect you. They may need to have it function like Fear where if you can't see Axe, it still doesn't allow you to input a command.