ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

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I play with party or at least 2 friends (we are turbo players) #13560

Open TRANDAFIR77 opened 11 months ago

TRANDAFIR77 commented 11 months ago


I play with guild mates so we usually go for a full stack of 5, or otherwise with 2 of my IRL friends but sometimes we do get a full stack as well in that formula. The problem I have encountered is that the behaviour score behaves funny. In one update I got +1 behaviour from 8072 to 8073. Now my question is, how do I get reported if I am in a full stack, I do not use chat nor hero chat (Once I got muted for 48 hours because I spammed PL and I used his dota+ quote "such simple minds", I even sent a ticket to steam and they said that they can't do anything, what a joke, I pay for a service and I get punished), we stay on Discord anyway. I do not trashtalk anyone, nothing like that. When I play ranked like once a week, I get frustrated players that are literally non stop flaming, chatting, afk jungle. I watched Grubby getting Immortal from Herald in 419 days, most of his matches are with wonderful players that can communicate properly, and a lot of them do not know who Grubby is. Is his account flagged in another manner? I get a lot of toxic people after I go on a win streak of 15+ matches. He seems to be in a different pool of players. I keep getting the same players over and over again even if I dislike them. Total clown fiesta. Why do I have to tank a report from someone from the enemy team just because I have 10 / 0 / 10 and I just dumpstered them? Can you fix this? I played 480 matches in the last two months and a half and my behaviour score had to drop with 1K. My friends also had to tank around 1K to 1,8K behaviour as well.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

No response



Taker42 commented 11 months ago

They won't fix it, as long as pro players won't complain like quin did they are okay with it, but something is definitely wrong, I've been spamming turbo just to get it up I can't even chat or talk or tip, yet I loose and loose score every summary I went from 9k to 4.9 now, I complained about 1 week ago I was 6k when I posted now I'm 4.9 it seems I'm heading to one behavior score. I can post a game ID where I did nothing, I mean literally nothing wrong, one of my teammates told everyone to report me even though he was feeding and he was in a party with 2 players and they did, I got a whole 24-hour ban and had to play 3 low prio games for no reason, I can post another game ID when the game just started I mean literally just started, the support Veno and me went top to grab the rune and we got 5 manned ganked from the other team and he died I had to run away, then he types "Hey Slark I reported you I just wanted to let you know." I mean the game didn't even start yet... those people ended up bring you down with them and they are the toxic ones and they can get you to lose score and valve is okay with it.

Match ID 7441172019
A perfect example.... the guy literally said "Hey I just wanted to let you know I reported you" before the game even started when he died for the runes, and I'm sure he did which does bring my score down and he ended up feeding 12 times with being 0-12 at the end of the game. Thats Valve for you they think people are Bsing when they complain.

rmk221 commented 11 months ago

Well we get a patch today, hopefully Valve at least mentions the issue.

marcelmaster commented 11 months ago same here , upvote please ( thumbs up )