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Nyx Assassin - Mind Flare bugs. #14066

Open Bogdanov89 opened 9 months ago

Bogdanov89 commented 9 months ago

Ability name

Mind Flare


Nyx Mind Flare seems to have several bugs. Its tooltip description states: "Deals damages to the enemy equal to a multiplier of its Intelligence. Additionally deals damage equal to a percentage of damage the target received from Nyx in the past 15s."

First bug is that Mind Flare always does a total of zero damage to targets with zero intelligence (ogre magi, lone druid bear pet...) even if Nyx inflicts thousands of damage through any other spell/item/attack. In other words the additional 25% damage is completely lost despite Nyx inflicting thousands of damage via other sources in the previous 15 seconds.

Second bug seems to be related to how Mind Flare calculates damage, likely in the additional % damage part. The total damage Mind Flare does always seems notably lower than what it should be according to the math. I do not know is perhaps Mind Flare damage formula calculation being penalized multiple times by targets spell resistance or is some other issue at play, but even basic testing of Mind Flare in the Demo Hero mode shows that the numbers in the combat log just do not add up to what the ability tooltip claims.

Please take a look at this ability and investigate its issues. Thank you

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)


Avarise831 commented 2 months ago