ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Unfairly toxic lump of coal #14552

Open Akseliya opened 6 months ago

Akseliya commented 6 months ago


Hello, I wrote to support, but they told me to write here. I was unfairly given toxic lump of coal. For more than 10 years I have been playing only from one account with maximum integrity, and I have not given it to anyone. My husband also plays from this computer using his own account, and for that now my account is marked as a smurf account? I checked the forums of people with the same problem, and they also get lump of coals for playing together from one computer, or from different ones, but with the same ip. Please look into the situation, because I have always been for fair and polite play.

Dota 2 account: 135290261

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

No response


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Akseliya commented 6 months ago

Tell me what additional information I need to give so that you will consider my case?

Akseliya commented 6 months ago

The one who accuses must prove. Thank you for your wonderful attitude, and goodbye Dota 2!

Akseliya commented 6 months ago

I like how the Dota 2 community has improved a lot over the years. Teams almost always have polite players, and this greatly improves the gaming experience. I like reading about your struggles with cheaters, smurfs and rough players because it makes the game better. You work at it and progress is noticeable. But with this update you clearly took a wrong turn. You block and warn people because they have families. Below I will give a couple of examples from Russian forums with brief transcripts:

But you are confident in the impeccability of your algorithms and allow yourself to respond to people in a rude manner. I hope someday you will reconsider your views, otherwise at this rate you will lose the Dota 2 community.