ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

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Bugged MMR Calculations (or not probably) #15072

Open shouta2007 opened 9 months ago

shouta2007 commented 9 months ago


RUS: Здравствуйте! Пишу впервые, так как до сего момента не сталкивался с подобным в игре. На днях у меня произошел лузстрик из 9 игр подряд (череда поражений подряд) с 1491 ммр до 1301 ммр. Спустя примерно 2 часа после последней игры, я запустил новую игру. На стадии планирования, за 3 секунды до конца драфта, я увидел как отключились 2 противника, после чего должна была следовать демонстрация героев и предыдущих mwp, но внезапно произошло следующее:

EnNG: Hello! I’m writing for the first time, because until now I’ve never encountered anything like this in a game. The other day I had a loss streak of 9 games in a row (a series of losses in a row) from 1491 mmr to 1301 mmr. About 2 hours after the last game, I started a new game. At the planning stage, 3 seconds before the end of the draft, I saw how 2 opponents switched off, after which a demonstration of heroes and previous mwp should have followed, but suddenly the following happened: image

RUS: За долю секунды прозвучал звук победы сил тьмы, все противники отключились (хотя мы даже не успели появиться), в результате игра была не засчитана, (игра не засчитана - игрок покинул игру), но, тем не менее, рейтинг у меня изменился в отрицательную сторону: стало 1280 ммр, хотя был 1301 ммр. Скорее всего упал сервер, потому что я даже сейчас не могу отследить результаты игры - ее нет даже в списке, а при прошлой моей попытке скачать демку, она не открывалась. Скорее всего, противники покинули игру, хотя в чате я этого не заметил (была бы зеленая надпись о том, Что теперь можно спокойно выйти) и потому, то, что я видел было просто не состоявшейся игрой. Заранее извиняюсь за, может быть, такой НЕДОБАГ или огромное количество информации, а, возможно, я сам запутался и ошибся в подсчетах, но прошу поддержку Steam, если присутствует такая возможность, проверить количество снятого рейтинга с 20.01.2024 21:45 по 21.01.2024 22:41 и ответить мне, ссылка на профиль Steam: ( Еще раз приношу извинения, если я ошибся и рейтинг потерял правильно. Прошу не удивляться тексту на скриншоте, игра на китайской локализации=)

ENG: In a split second, the sound of the victory of the forces of darkness sounded, all the opponents left the game (although we didn’t even have time to appear), as a result, the game was not counted (the game was not counted - the player left the game), but, nevertheless, my rating changed to negative side: it became 1280 mmr, although it was 1301 mmr. Most likely the server crashed, because even now I can’t track the results of the game - it’s not even on the list, and the last time I tried to download the demo, it didn’t open. Most likely, the opponents left the game, although I didn’t notice this in the chat (there would have been a green message saying that you can now safely exit) and because what I saw was simply a game that didn’t take place. I apologize in advance for, perhaps, such a DISCUSSION or a huge amount of information, or perhaps I myself got confused and made a mistake in the calculations, but I ask Steam support, if there is such an opportunity, to check the number of ratings removed from 01/20/2024 21:45 to 01/21. 2024 22:41 and reply to me, link to Steam profile: ( Once again I apologize if I made a mistake and lost the rating correctly. Please do not be surprised by the text in the screenshot, the game is in Chinese localization =)

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7548888195 (22.01.2024 00:49)


Результаты игры: Untitled

commentator24 commented 9 months ago

victory message appears because all 5 players dc. After 10 seconds? game auto ends if no one reconnected. you will also cannot see the message player disconnected / green text game is safe to leave if you muted text of that player (or mute all)

you can track the rank changes if you have dotaplus, but not really important. image

dotaplus history sometimes not updated yet vs recent history. like here i played witch doc but it's still not updated in dotaplus. RC is rank changes image

or when the game ends really fast, i think like less than 15 min? it will not show up in recent history, but will show up in dotaplus history. so it's not consistent. sometimes recent history is updated first, another time dotaplus history is updated first. may require restart dota 2 to update both page, but MMR is always updated (e.g. my witchdoc game).

When coordinator is down MMR is not updated yet, but you might still got into another game while it's down. if you cannot track/see the results of previous game in recent history, coordinator is probably down and your previous game is not counted yet. Hence you thought 1301 dropped to 1280 for this game that is not even counted.

hover the (i) at start it will say you will receive an abandon / loss / mmr decrease / match will not be scored for other players. image when the game counts, the text will change a bit image

Do not leave game if you expected game is safe to leave but still says MMR will decrease. You may thought it's safe to leave just because 5 players disconnected. but if it still says MMR will decrease, you will lose MMR for leaving. e.g. you clicked top left to go to main menu and clicked disconnect. Waiting to click leave game before someone receive abandon penalty. page not yet updated to change the button consequences, so what you clicked maybe different to when you wait until the page is updated to change consequences.

When someone receive abandon penalty after 5 min, the line ''you will receive an abandon'' will be removed. In this case it's still not safe to leave if the game counts and your MMR will decrease if you leave, but if you see no hope of winning, you can leave the game without receiving abandon penalty (but still receive MMR loss) instead of staying until throne destroyed.

it's only safe to leave if a player receive abandon penalty before first blood. during pick phase, if you forgot to pick a hero and a hero is chosen for you, game is safe to leave and you will lose MMR. if you partied up with someone and that person forgot to choose a hero / disconnected to receive abandon penalty, game also safe to leave and you will lose MMR.

but always check the (i) before you leave and you'll be fine.