ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Coaching and leaving party before game starts gives you "Observer Mode" #15461

Open TheJambo opened 7 months ago

TheJambo commented 7 months ago


Match ID: 7587126122

To replicate:

  1. Be in a party as a coach
  2. While drafting or in the strategy phase, close dota 2 and leave the party.
  3. Relaunch dota 2 and reconnect to the game and you'll be the coach of neither team.

You'll have vision of both teams towers and ancients, no trees and will be able to all-chat.

Posted on Reddit too to see if anyone else has the same.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)




TheJambo commented 7 months ago

Note that allied chat and coach chat don't work, but All-chat does.

K0uGou commented 7 months ago

Reproduction steps are somewhat confusing: You first quit the game and leave the party when you re-launch it back? "Reconnect the game as coach" - there's no specific way in which you can reconnect a game beside just reconnecting to it, so I'll take that as just reconnect the game?!

TheJambo commented 7 months ago

Apologies let me clarify: You join the party as a coach, game is found and you auto-accept. While in the draft or strategy stage, close dota2.exe. Launch the game and you are now not in the party. (unknown whether you need to close the game or if leaving the party and disconnecting will do it) Reconnect to the game as usual and that should be it.

Avarise831 commented 7 months ago


TheJambo commented 7 months ago

image All-chat lines from Coach show up as Spectator on OpenDota too.

Dave4901 commented 4 months ago

Adding more information to this bug, I would like to mention this bug also allows you to see skill cooldown on enemies that you have vision of which is a pretty huge advantage. The cooldown do stop updating when the enemies it out of vision and will updates once you can see the enemies again
