ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Algorithm Putting me into Pro or Smurf bracket cause of 1 lucky game. #15640

Open simplyexperimental opened 4 months ago

simplyexperimental commented 4 months ago


I am only 3k bracket and I had one lucky game where I went 15 kills and 0 deaths and now suddenly every game after that I am seeing enemy players who are shown in the intro who have their last game and game before that with similar scores to that one game I had - like 19 kills and 2 deaths and people who are 17 wins and 3 losses etc.

It's like there is hidden mmr pool for top players or smurfs/boosters or something.

Games suddenly got a lot harder....what do I do about this and what do I do about smurfs in general?

More: In the past you used to be able to see a players match history to see if they were smurfing but they removed that because people could predict who you were going to pick....i don't know if that was a good move - perhaps they could change it so that you can only see a players previous matches once the game is over - that way you can report a smurf with more clear certainty based on match performance and kda. Or maybe show a persons last 10 or 5 games....

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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prohjort commented 4 months ago

You are not in the smurf pool, this has sadly become the usual bracket since the overplus banwave. Smurfs stomping every game.

simplyexperimental commented 4 months ago

I am going to close this issue I think that even if you really do get put into hidden higher skill brackets based on previous match performances it's not an issue - play well - get paired with good players.