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Omni shard doesn't get reduced by octarine #15695

Open ddzzddzzdd opened 6 months ago

ddzzddzzdd commented 6 months ago

Ability name

Hammer of purity


If octarine works on Sulll basher,Khanda,Mortal strike,Phantom rush,Moment of courage,why it doesn't work on Omni shard?

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)


DevGrohl commented 6 months ago

The moment you equip Octarine the base cooldown of HoP goes down from 4 secs to 3 secs, so is Most likely due to being a Shard upgrade and not a normal passive or an item proc cd.

And since the shard doesnt have a regular CD they manage it with a buff on Omniknight buffs, Octarine probably has no effect on those.