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Issue Report - Dota Plus latest Patch Matchmaking changes (laboratory) #16039

Open potatobrain1337 opened 3 months ago

potatobrain1337 commented 3 months ago


In the latest patch of Dota 2, specifically concerning the new matchmaking features for Dota Plus users, there exists a significant logic issue. This issue primarily pertains to the matchmaking algorithm, which fails to appropriately match players based on their experience levels. As a player with over 10,000 hours invested in the game, I have encountered multiple instances where I've been matched with newly created accounts, commonly known as smurf accounts. These mismatches result in highly imbalanced games, negatively impacting the overall gaming experience for both parties involved.

Specific Problems Identified:

Mismatched Skill Levels: The current matchmaking system often pairs experienced players, such as myself, with newcomers who have little to no experience in the game. This leads to heavily skewed matchups, where the disparity in skill level creates frustrating and unfair gameplay experiences.

Inaccurate Pre-Match Calculations: The matchmaking algorithm's calculations seem flawed, particularly when attempting to predict playstyles for accounts with zero hours played and zero games recorded. This lack of data severely compromises the system's ability to form balanced teams.

Excessive Pre-Game Information: The information displayed on the screen before a match begins is overwhelming and impractical for players to process effectively. This excess of data impedes players' ability to make informed decisions about the upcoming game and contributes to a cluttered user interface.

Proposed Solutions:

Refine Matchmaking Criteria: Implement refined criteria for matchmaking, taking into account factors such as overall player skill level, region, behavior patterns, hours in-game, total matches played and party composition. This would facilitate more balanced matchups and mitigate the prevalence of smurf accounts disrupting gameplay experiences.

Improved UI Design: Streamline the pre-match information display to provide players with concise and relevant data that aids in decision-making without overwhelming them. Simplifying the user interface will enhance the user experience and improve the overall matchmaking process.

Introduce Filtering Options: Introduce filtering options that allow players to customize their matchmaking preferences based on specific criteria such as overall matchmaking quality, region, skill range, hours in game, matches played, and player behavior. Providing players with more control over their matchmaking parameters will empower them to tailor their gaming experience to their preferences.

Additional Information:

Attached to this report are relevant game IDs highlighting instances of imbalanced matchmaking resulting from the current system's shortcomings. Specifically, the attachments reference a bounty hunter account with zero games played but an astonishing 36 kills, indicative of a smurf account with over 1000 xpm.

Addressing these critical issues and implementing the proposed solutions is imperative to enhancing the matchmaking experience for Dota 2 players. We appreciate your attention to this matter and eagerly anticipate your prompt action in resolving these concerns.


Not Icefrog

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)



image image image image

20240322040411_1 20240322041038_1 20240322225737_1 20240323000613_1 20240323024301_1 20240323150901_1 20240323160659_1 20240323183535_1 20240323200023_1 20240323200117_1 20240324005754_1 20240324014520_1

mys-zhou commented 3 months ago

Currently, there's no penalty for repeatedly denying the game by using "Queue again". We had a team that kept denying us and queued to us indefinitely, which made us unplayable for 30 mins.

potatobrain1337 commented 3 months ago

i added new screenshot that indicate my gaming experience - it has been a desaster since i enabled the lab feature.