ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Gamebreaking Bug #16091

Open DotaEnjoyer opened 3 months ago

DotaEnjoyer commented 3 months ago


Bug Description: Just got forcefully put out of the game when I queued a match with a friend, when I entered the game all there was were the terrains got marked white and I couldn't see any heroes but I was getting live information from the match such as kills, also I can hear the attacking sounds and like I said, I couldn't see anyone at all nor pick my character

Match ID: 7656640963

Steam Link:

Other Helpful Information: To sum it up

  1. All structures got marked as white
  2. Couldn't see anything at all (Creeps, Heroes, Neutrals etc)
  3. I can hear attacking sounds of the heroes (right click sounds)
  4. I can see hero projectiles
  5. Couldn't use my hero nor see
  6. Tried reconnecting many times, but bug or issue still persists
  7. Stayed around the whole game to see if anything can fix the issue but nothing at all

Video Link:


Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

Match ID: 7656640963



DotaEnjoyer commented 3 months ago Video

DotaEnjoyer commented 3 months ago

I was also told by my friend that I was constantly reconnecting to the game, so this means I was still tied to the game but couldn't do anything at all

Really hoping this bug gets fixed

commentator24 commented 3 months ago