ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Bug with smurf-identifying system #16262

Open VERKINperkin opened 3 months ago

VERKINperkin commented 3 months ago


Hello Vavle! I have to post this in bugs, because in common Steam Support your empoyees don't read my ticket and just copy-paste the same answer without any explainations I ask them to give. So, smurf-system identified my account as a smurf, but it is not. So I think I can post it in bugs. Also, I am tired of posting many ticket, so I will copy-paste one of them, sorry for it. That it is:

"Please, read my ticket until the end and give me a detailed answer on my ticket to avoid more tickets in future. I know that you have many of them and I don't want to spam you. I respect the work of your employees. So i wouldn't contact you one more time if there were no worthy reason. I feel that I can be a bit annoying for you because of creating one more ticket, but you still haven't explained me the reason i got match-making ban on this account. And I am still having an opinion, that was not fair.

Firstly, in the ticket on Feb, 9 when I started to play on this account, I asked you if it is allowed. And you said that it is allowed, you said: Multiple accounts playing on the same PC is not considered smurfing I'm not sharing my accounts and I'm not using someone's else accounts. Both of my Steam accounts are linked to the same phone number. And I always play from the same laptop.

Secondly, in every our ticket you linked me 'Smurfing is not welcome in Dota'. I've read it before playing this account. And it is said there: Smurf accounts are alternate accounts used by players to avoid playing at the correct MMR, to abandon games, to cheat, to grief, or to otherwise be toxic without consequence I didn't played Ranked on this account, I don't abandon games, I don't cheat, I don't grief, I'm always concentrated on game and even my teammates are not friendly I try to communicated with them to win the game. I am not toxic in my games, my behaviour and communication scores are always growing. Also about ranked, I said to you in the first ticket, that I gonna try play on both accounts at almost the same MMR, but on different Ranked Roles for not ruining games for my teammates by the reason I'm not playing on my main Role. I have around 2900 MMR on main account, And I think you know that on those ratings the real skill range in a single game is very wide. I also said to you in previous tickets before that I gonna improve MMR on both my accounts step by step and frequently play on both of them, so there will be fair matchmaking. And also your calibration system will set me the correct rating it calculates. I am not going to intentionally lose or artificially upgrade my rating. And i repeat one more time that you said that it is allowed to play on this account and the main one this way.

Thirdly, you said, that ban for matchmaking is done if player had recieved a warning that he/she should stop playing on smurfs before and ignored it. I haven't recieve any warnings on both my accounts. But you said that: my account was either identified as a smurf, or is my main but I have continued to play on smurf accounts. This account is not smurf and I explained why, I didn't recieved any warnings. So why i got it banned?

In conclusion, I would like to say that I have the same point of view as yours that smurfing, boosting, linking abuse and acc-buying should be punished. But I didn't break any rules, also those are in 'Smurfing is not welcome in Dota'. I really like Dota, I play fair and also take a participation in local tournaments in my country. For example, many pro-players have alternate accounts to train some heroes and stratagies, many 6k+ MMR players have accounts to train the other roles not the main one to avoid ruining games for their teammates and the system set their rank to the correct one for their case. Yes I agree that I have a good winrate in non-ranked All Pick on this account, but I think it is because there was a big wave of banning cheaters for some unfair overlays etc. and they have to begin from the start. Also I was playing an ability draft and have good winrate there because i know many good skill combinations. Maybe theese are the reason why system considered me as a smurf, but for real i am not.

I strongly believe that you will properly review my case and my ban on this account will be lifted and that you will do having an alternate account much clear in the future, because not all of them can be considered as a smurfs."

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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commentator24 commented 3 months ago

Firstly, in the ticket on Feb, 9 when I started to play on this account, I asked you if it is allowed. And you said that it is allowed, you said: Multiple accounts playing on the same PC is not considered smurfing I'm not sharing my accounts and I'm not using someone's else accounts. Both of my Steam accounts are linked to the same phone number. And I always play from the same laptop.

maybe they're giving clues that you can have multiple accounts but different user ID / mobile number? did you login as different user on your laptop before you switch accounts? dont know if that would work but sounds like there are metadata that should not overlap / trigger auto smurf detecting system.

Secondly, in every our ticket you linked me 'Smurfing is not welcome in Dota'. I've read it before playing this account. And it is said there: Smurf accounts are alternate accounts used by players to avoid playing at the correct MMR, to abandon games, to cheat, to grief, or to otherwise be toxic without consequence I didn't played Ranked on this account, I don't abandon games, I don't cheat, I don't grief, I'm always concentrated on game and even my teammates are not friendly I try to communicated with them to win the game. I am not toxic in my games, my behaviour and communication scores are always growing.

thats just your subjective opinion. do you have 0 reports by teammates? have you checked your incoming reports history on both accounts?

Thirdly, you said, that ban for matchmaking is done if player had recieved a warning that he/she should stop playing on smurfs before and ignored it. I haven't recieve any warnings on both my accounts. But you said that: my account was either identified as a smurf, or is my main but I have continued to play on smurf accounts. This account is not smurf and I explained why, I didn't recieved any warnings. So why i got it banned?

probably because you just admitted that your account is a smurf account to steam support

In conclusion, I would like to say that I have the same point of view as yours that smurfing, boosting, linking abuse and acc-buying should be punished. But I didn't break any rules, also those are in 'Smurfing is not welcome in Dota'. I really like Dota, I play fair and also take a participation in local tournaments in my country. For example, many pro-players have alternate accounts to train some heroes and stratagies, many 6k+ MMR players have accounts to train the other roles not the main one to avoid ruining games for their teammates and the system set their rank to the correct one for their case.

you sounds like you sent an email to police: look im underage by only few weeks and i just want to buy alcohol and drugs while i'm driving. I compete in sports but im not going to use drugs to compete in my local tournament. im just using drugs to buff up and train my body. If i don't get a warning i'm not breaking any rules right? and im not going to get drunk and cause problems anyway. I also agree it's not right to use drugs or allow underage drinking, but it's not just me, other professional athletes I know are doing this too and i'll be legal age soon and i already have my driver's licence. and you said You must be below 0.05% BAC to drive. but 1 standard drink is not going to bring me to 0.05% so i think i'm fine and i'm not even an alcoholic. I don't drink and drive I just really like driving. Then police found traces of alcohol and drugs in your car.

If you're the police reading the email, how would you respond? it's very unlikely they would tell you Wait until you're of legal age or pretend they didn't see this email. or how to drink safely while driving or be safe to use drugs if you just admitted your crimes. do you realise how drunk you sound by then? they'll lose their job if they make personalised replies that don't follow their policy 😆 it like you're trying to convince them to allow a special treatment for you because you don't identify as a smurf and they should be more understanding about this.

firstly, why didn't you play until you reach 12000 behaviour before switching accounts at any given time? Then you would have stronger argument that your behaviour in both accounts are maxed out instead of always growing. when you still have low behaviour / getting reports on your newer account or main account thats the same as avoiding consequences. Perhaps you dont even realise how many reports you had on your main / smurf. so check your reports history on steam if you know how.

also im a bit confused when you said you won't play rank on smurf account and then gonna try play on both accounts at almost the same MMR with different roles. are you practicing heroes / other roles in ranked? that would be similar to griefing because you don't care win / lose that way. why do you need to create a smurf account to practice other roles? because you want to avoid the consequences of playing badly when trying other roles / heroes. if you're too good then you're also ruining the experience of newer players. then why not just play unranked on your main? or maybe you're using unfair cheats to play in ability draft? steam support probably already given you a warning: smurfs are not welcome in dota, and if you want to do it, do it at your own risk of getting banned any time. if you found a way to smurf or cheat without getting caught then keep it to yourself.

VERKINperkin commented 3 months ago

@commentator24 I have 10k+ of behaviour and communcation score on both accounts, main account is 12k both.

I don't do anything that's included into the definition of 'smurfing', Steam Support says that alternate account are allowed, while the smurfs are not.

I had only 3 accounts logged into Steam from my PC, 2 of them play Dota, the 3rd one hasn't played Dota at all.

I checked the reports, I had some (about 10 reports per 160 games, 2 of them are from people with bad behaciour score, so they shouldn't be counted), but I haven't played any game in Ranked.