ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

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crownfall store coins not received #17197

Open muxacho opened 7 months ago

muxacho commented 7 months ago


I have completed the crownfall event and I have not received all the coins in the store. I'm supposed to have a total of 25 minus 10 that I've already used, there would be 15 left and I only have 9 (6 are missing)

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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Captura de pantalla (8) Captura de pantalla (9)

posejdbak commented 7 months ago

exactly the same situation

AlienPancake commented 5 months ago

точно такая же ситуация во втором акте. Не смог получить 3 монеты, а мне не хватает ровно 3 монеты до скидки. Невероятно расстроен данным фактом и не имею понятия как мне получить их обратно(