ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Enemy summons show on minimap for splitsecond #1753

Closed Slunnker closed 1 year ago

Slunnker commented 2 years ago


Some games when enemy has summons (veno wards & voker forge) they show on minimap for split second i have noticed at first told my friends about it and some of them also notice it

The screen shot below is a live game proof of minimap summon bug Keep in mind this bug dose not show on replay only in live game i checked the same game with screenshot minimap bug Screenshot 2022-07-11 092403 Screenshot 2022-07-11 092756

((Now this dosnt really show it i do have a video proof that i am only willing to provide to devs if needed)) After some testing we have discovered more heros that show on minimap some of them are abusive since they farm and some of them dont really matter

veno and invoker as said before brood jugg beast visage clinkz shard + agh wk pugna shadow shaman brew lich shard treant agh prophet sometimes not always shows wd ward + shard storm clock cogs undying tomestone spawn + zombie spawn ta trap Dark Troll Summoner wildwing ripper engima zeus agh ember lone druid warlock

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

6655519737 8:00


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Slunnker commented 1 year ago

With recent update valve patched this bug !