ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Overwatch Penalty Bug #17599

Open JQINX opened 1 month ago

JQINX commented 1 month ago


I have been issued over-watch penalty when I was present in all of team fights. I didn't ruin in any way that is a report-able offense. I can provide last 8 match ids as proof that I joined all team fights. Also I didn't type chat either but did use pings. Doesn't make sense when I didn't communicate and joined all team fights why I'm being penalized for. Is this how system works now? Or was it a developer in a game who abused the system and penalized me for loosing? Is there any check n balance on those who check over-watch reports? Someone has to respond for penalizing for no reason.

7736252582 win 7736961456 win 7737356791 win 7737604819 loss 7739085280 win 7739186003 win 7739329068 win 7739448998 loss

RostoIII commented 1 month ago

Valve removed overwatch for Dota, now u get penalties if you just get much reported for griefing

Dum0sss commented 1 month ago

It says same thing when you get griefing penalty for too much reports accumulated and when you really get overwatch'd. Overwatch is alive and kicking, i sometimes review cases and see it works in the end with notification.

RostoIII commented 1 month ago

Saw post on reddit recently + all my accounts lost the overwatch ability. + every overwatch penalty i get is automatic after game(bot)

JQINX commented 1 month ago

This is unfair. People report you for no reason and accumulated reports send me LP and also decreasing my behavior score when I'm helping them, warding for them, making rotations for them. I cannot even appeal to this.

Dum0sss commented 1 month ago

Saw post on reddit recently + all my accounts lost the overwatch ability. + every overwatch penalty i get is automatic after game(bot)

if this is true, then dota is becoming like league, and in league you can somehow appeal your bans, whereas in dota idk how or its impossible, so its faster to play low priority, lame af.

Dum0sss commented 1 month ago

This is unfair. People report you for no reason and accumulated reports send me LP and also decreasing my behavior score when I'm helping them, warding for them, making rotations for them. I cannot even appeal to this.

if it truly a bot now, then turn off your chat, it surely checks if you wrote anything as well as your overall kda. This should make threshold for ban higher as in league, also this is dumb af. I just cant xDDDDD. Bot banning people is worst thing that happened to online games, most of those bans are for accumulated reports and not for real griefing.

letmeplaydota commented 1 month ago

here we go again. 0 reports > ban + low priority. nice overwatch (it works, i usually every day receive new cases) 0 reports = low priority