ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Ranked game, teammate abandonned at pick phase, game still not safe to leave #1779

Open maxljc96 opened 2 years ago

maxljc96 commented 2 years ago


Someone Dced right at pick phase, however game did not signify safe to leave. Other people could not see safe to leave as well. After DCing, I still got a -30MMR.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)




YaphzOr commented 2 years ago

He didn't abandon it's a recent issue; you get dota 2 not responding during pick phase and they disconnect. You'll see this a lot now till they fix it. I my self got abandon twice because of it.

maxljc96 commented 2 years ago

He didn't abandon it's a recent issue; you get dota 2 not responding during pick phase and they disconnect. You'll see this a lot now till they fix it. I my self got abandon twice because of it.

There was a message that says he abandoned, and whole screen had a connection fail, red error?

YaphzOr commented 2 years ago

He didn't abandon it's a recent issue; you get DotA 2 not responding during pick phase and they disconnect. You'll see this a lot now till they fix it. I my self got abandon twice because of it.

There was a message that says he abandoned, and the whole screen had a connection fail, red error?

he must have abandoned short after getting not responding lot of times.

maxljc96 commented 2 years ago

He didn't abandon it's a recent issue; you get DotA 2 not responding during pick phase and they disconnect. You'll see this a lot now till they fix it. I my self got abandon twice because of it.

There was a message that says he abandoned, and the whole screen had a connection fail, red error?

he must have abandoned short after getting not responding lot of times.

Still tho, that should have been safe to leave after?

YaphzOr commented 2 years ago

He didn't abandon it's a recent issue; you get Dota 2 not responding during pick phase and they disconnect. You'll see this a lot now till they fix it. I my self got abandon twice because of it.

There was a message that says he abandoned, and the whole screen had a connection fail, red error?

he must have abandoned shortly after getting not responding lot of times.

Still tho, that should have been safe to leave after?

Ever since they started focusing on profit and milking the game instead of maintaining the quality, this is happening.

Just look at this Jeff Hill issue thread, 1.4k issues, bugs and glitches in this month alone. Yearly Battlepass sat great with me. I didn't mind getting a yearly battlepass, but these RPG wannabes thought adding seasonal battle passes will restore the games player base; they annoyed and annoyed devs till devs added the function and now it's been a year since then no player base has been returning lol and the ones who whined about seasonal BP dipped very quickly, shortly after.

The game is perfect for me all I needed from them is not to fuck up this too but they did, since Dota 2 doesn't even have its own dedicated studio and very few developers are working for it who also work for many other games of Valve, so they can't exactly focus on one thing which might be a problem, I wonder how much overworked they are since web developers usually have it easy compared to game developers, but leaving that aside all this new UI, New card system and betting system, new tabs, all this new mechanics with no proper patches broke the game more and more at least it was stable before but now it's worse...