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Elder Titan's DECONSTRUCTION astral spirit refreshes charges of a magic debuff #17974

Open terentyevalexey opened 1 month ago

terentyevalexey commented 1 month ago

Ability name

Elder Titan's DECONSTRUCTION facet


Elder Titan's DECONSTRUCTION doesn't sync the debuffs If you use the astral spirit it refreshes its magic stacks [due to changing source character of debuff]

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

test lobby new patch

terentyevalexey commented 1 month ago

Here you can see no debuffs at the beginning image Here you can see 2 debuffs being applied by the Elder Titan image Here you can see one of the debuffs is being refreshed after Elder Titan uses Astral Spirit image I believe that this is due to the fact that the debuffs are from "Different sources" - magic debuff being applied by Elder Titan first then by Astral Spirit then by Elder Titan again, but I think they should stack together.

terentyevalexey commented 1 month ago

I couldn't repeat the complete buff removal, I guess it's fixed or I was too drunk testing it in the first place, so I removed it, but still is refreshed after using astral spirit.