ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Skywrath Mage's Staff of the Scion doesn't work properly #18043

Open terentyevalexey opened 1 month ago

terentyevalexey commented 1 month ago

Ability name

Skywrath Mage- Staff of the Scion


image 53.366 - use of arcane bolt. 2 seconds cooldown. image 12 magic hits later and at 54.666 (1.3s later) the ability still is on CD.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

test lobby new patch

v4lkyr commented 1 month ago

Yes, it doesn't work. I played 22-7 in one game (pretty much did a lot of magic damage as you can figure out) and all cooldowns, ability and items, were just stock values, no difference at all.

terentyevalexey commented 3 weeks ago

This still is an open issue and isn't fixed. If you are checking it on the dummy target it works, if you are testing it with an actual hero, it doesn't work. This is possibly because of the added magic resistance on actual non-dummy enemies.