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Jakiro Issue with Liquid Fire #18290

Open LateNiteMike opened 1 month ago

LateNiteMike commented 1 month ago

Ability name

Liquid Fire


When Jakiro has both Liquid Frost and Liquid Fire set to autocast Liquid Fire does not proc / target buildings. I understand Liquid Frost cannot target buildings, but Liquid Fire should still auto-cast in this instance given that when Liquid Fire alone is set to autocast it does target buildings.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7753832822 - 20:36

g2wangzi commented 1 month ago

I encountered the same, even manual cast doesn't apply liquid fire to the tower, near the end of the game 7774373680.

A few obsersavtions after testing in AXE island.

  1. Without shard, everything is ok.
  2. With Shard, if liquid ice is set to auto-cast, then liquid fire will not be applied to the tower auto/manual.
BrianWW commented 3 weeks ago

Confirmed here too. With shard and when liquid frost is set to autocast, you can't apply liquid fire to towers either manually or via autocast. Reproducible in demo mode. You can also try having auto cast turn on both, attack the tower, then turn off autocast on frost. Liquid fire will start autocasting vs tower.