ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Can we have the option to turn off in-game music but turn it on in everywhere else? #18709

Open Bedtimestory9 opened 1 month ago

Bedtimestory9 commented 1 month ago


I like music, but having it repeatedly on while I'm spectating is not very pleasant. Or in-game battle sound repeatedly speeding up my heart rate.

I just want it to be off while I'm spectating and in game, but turn it on in client Ui, draft, etc. Thank you.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)



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christy2951hernandez commented 1 month ago

Absolutely, having separate volume controls for in-game music and other audio elements is a common request in many games. Players can personalize their experience based on preference. Some might enjoy music during battles, while others prefer a more focused soundscape. Repetitive music during gameplay can become tiring. Turning it off allows players to focus on sound cues and in-game communication. Spectating matches can be more enjoyable without intrusive music. nystateofhealth ny gov