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Australia Servers - High Packet Loss #18885

Open tayroar opened 1 month ago

tayroar commented 1 month ago


Playing games in the Australia servers, getting upwards of 90% packet loss. An average of 4 seconds input lag.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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tayroar commented 1 month ago

Tested on a bot match with a party member, the speeds are still the same (90% packet loss). Tried through SE Asia servers with a bot match with a party member - same deal.

Vokera commented 1 month ago

Same here is Brisbane, and from friends in South Australia. Almost half of everyone I know on the game is having the same issue. Im currently on on of the top 3 Ranked Guild's and this is a major problem across many players.

Vokera commented 1 month ago

Tested on a bot match with a party member, the speeds are still the same (90% packet loss). Tried through SE Asia servers with a bot match with a party member - same deal.

We have tried the same thing with the same out come.

eduardo-and commented 1 month ago

Same on South america server

slick-soft commented 1 month ago

AUS server player here with some more info. Packet loss seems to be exclusively outgoing, no incoming packet loss. The severity of the packet loss is variable throughout the match (sometimes 0 or low single digit loss, with spikes and sustained durations of 40-70+ in the same match). Many players on these servers are experiencing the same, regardless of geographical location or ISP. Some players in the same games and servers are not experiencing packet loss. Online discussions suggest that VPNs can help avoid this issue. Reports coming from SEA servers suggest similar issues there.

smogg0 commented 4 weeks ago

This is still an issue 3 days later, there is at least one person with packet loss every game. My friend gets it every game and the game is unplayable for him atm. Seems like its affecting users on certain ISPs (e.g Optus, Superloop).

I haven't experienced packet loss yet, based in Melbourne and with Swoop Broadband.

Skylandia commented 3 weeks ago

People were saying it may have something to do with packet routing so here are some figures

tracert to AUS servers from Auckland. Using the Spark network and frequently getting 30-90 loss out.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    39 ms     7 ms    32 ms
  2   108 ms    12 ms    96 ms  [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
  3     *        *       89 ms
  4    38 ms    53 ms    11 ms
  5    65 ms    60 ms    19 ms []
  6    47 ms     8 ms    14 ms []
  7    15 ms    29 ms     8 ms []
  8     9 ms    57 ms   105 ms []
  9    67 ms     5 ms     8 ms
 10    86 ms   134 ms   125 ms []
 11    57 ms   100 ms   156 ms []
 12    78 ms    43 ms    36 ms
 13    61 ms    35 ms    78 ms []
 14    32 ms    34 ms    39 ms []
 15    53 ms    42 ms    39 ms []

Some games the day later with zero packet loss, 6 less hops.

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     4 ms     4 ms    17 ms
  2     *        *       26 ms  [REDACTED] [REDACTED]
  3    10 ms     6 ms    13 ms
  4    12 ms    15 ms     6 ms
  5    10 ms    12 ms    10 ms []
  6    31 ms    39 ms    32 ms []
  7    54 ms    32 ms    35 ms []
  8    35 ms    33 ms    48 ms []
  9    35 ms    33 ms    35 ms []