ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Spectre's new innate ruins her laning phase! Make her phasing toggleable! #18896

Open Bashtime opened 3 months ago

Bashtime commented 3 months ago

Ability name



So far I havent read about it from anyone. As a filthy spec spammer I noticed that spec is way worse after the patch than before. The reason is not the power creep of others but her inability to block your own creeps during the laning phase. Being able to control your creep waves will dictate the flow of the game. While it's nice phasing through units in later stages, her new innate ruins that and thus your influence in the early game.

I'm not here to bitch about it but to make a reasonable suggestion: Make her phased movement toggleable. I want to turn in off in early stage and turn in on later when I dont need creep block anymore.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

. every game

bryanparadis commented 1 month ago

This is definitely annoying. A lot of uses for blocking in this game especially early and not just creeps.