ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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MMR BUG #18928

Open aeasoythiago opened 3 months ago

aeasoythiago commented 3 months ago


As usual players can abadon before first blood, they save mmr, but lose behavior and get a 30 min ban. In my case i abandoned a match BEFORE first blood and still lost 23 MMR, got my 30 min ban and probably lost my behavior score too, the strange part is that only me lost MMR in this match (other player told me that the match didnt count). FIX BUG VALVE PLS I WANT MY MMR BACK. The dota chat is me talking in spanish with the other players and they are telling that the match didnt count and they didnt lose mmr

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)



print1 print3

commentator24 commented 3 months ago

the person who abandon and those in same party will lose mmr if the game is safe to leave because of that person. the rest of teammates will not lose mmr since the game doesnt count