ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Queuing error #19003

Open O-Abdalla opened 3 months ago

O-Abdalla commented 3 months ago


fix the queuing issue for gods sake how many people have posted about this problem and still dota has fixed it what are u waiting for, all your players getting banned so you can fix it? do something for gods sake

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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Toogoolka commented 3 months ago

I support it! Almost every day I stay in the ban from 3 minutes to 3 hours. Soon, indeed, all the players will be sitting only in the ban-pool and that's it all.

bisherKhz commented 3 months ago

same now i have 2 hour ban

gokuranger commented 3 months ago

Having same issue for last 2 weeks. this update is trash

vehametra commented 3 months ago
