ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Echo sabre doesnt work after riki blink strike #19516

Open Mostidioticperson opened 2 months ago

Mostidioticperson commented 2 months ago

Item name

echo sabre


After using blink strike on a target, echo sabre procs its passive slowing the enemy but riki doesnt hit the target twice. No match ID since I tested in demo but I recorded a video :

Example Match ID and Timestamp

dampf1 commented 2 months ago

Depending on your auto attack settings riki will not auto attack after blinkstrike. It looks like riki does not autoattack after blinkstrike and without auto attacking he doesn't get the second attack from echo sabre. If you rightclick the enemy right after blinkstrike you will get the second attack granted by echo sabre even with the auto attack settings you currently have.

Mostidioticperson commented 2 months ago

Depending on your auto attack settings riki will not auto attack after blinkstrike. It looks like riki does not autoattack after blinkstrike and without auto attacking he doesn't get the second attack from echo sabre. If you rightclick the enemy right after blinkstrike you will get the second attack granted by echo sabre even with the auto attack settings you currently have.

I see, I think its still a bug right? Echo sabre passive still went on cd. Since when using blink strike riki is already attacking so I hope valve fix this interaction.