ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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The reporting system does not work properly #19563

Open SayMON393 opened 5 days ago

SayMON393 commented 5 days ago


I want to know why I got banned after a game where I didn't destroy and before this game I also didn't destroy and was rarely toxic, it happened right after this game :7811393289 I want to know the reason?

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)



image pudge and lifestealer they trolled but i got banned) how it work?

eX-Arkangel commented 5 days ago

it works as you imagine, there are 5 buttons which is automated if 2 o 3 from your team report you, you get banned, i have been muted in games were i haven't written a single letter (or talked), so in a shell, the reporting system is completely broken, is there to help trolls and cheaters not to guard against them. Same reason theres no way to kick an obvious troll/disgracer constantly feeding-respawn-feeding again and again because he wanted a lane/role and he didnt get it. Hence being 0 12 0 before min 10 and the enemy core with a beyond godlike and over 7k net before min 10 gg.

SayMON393 commented 5 days ago

i like this system)

Dum0sss commented 4 days ago

System is partly automated, you probably got banned by accumulation of reports. Dont get reported.