ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Axe challenge level xp bug #19805

Open Marius9620 opened 2 months ago

Marius9620 commented 2 months ago


Axe challenges are broken, completed them many times and dont count as completed. I did the 3/6/9 culling blade kills challenge with axe, the 9 kills did it in 3 matches already still doesnt give me the xp and so with other challlenges after the reresh.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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commentator24 commented 2 months ago

turbo can only get 2 stars max. you can see the lock icon

Marius9620 commented 2 months ago

turbo can only get 2 stars max. you can see the lock icon

It happened on many more challenges, that was an example. Are you sure it has this issue on turbo only because it happened on other heroes too?

commentator24 commented 2 months ago

im not sure what you're trying to say. it happened on many more challenges and other heroes because turbo max to get 2 stars. if you want 3 stars on any dotaplus hero/challenges then have to play rank / unranked mode.

if you're talking about guild contracts then it's different. you can complete 3 star guild contracts in turbo.

i hope in the future they change it to something like play 3 turbo games to get 3 stars though.