ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Bug: Timbersaw's Whirling Death removes more than 16% strength against Flesh Golem #20110

Open ReneSchou opened 1 month ago

ReneSchou commented 1 month ago

Ability name

Whirling Death


Timbersaw's Whirling Death always removes way more than 16% strength from Undying during Flesh Golem.

It should only remove 13%, and 16% with the +3% Whirling Death Stat Loss talent, but it removes way more regardless of talents and Flesh Golems level.

This is 100% a bugg.

You can test it out in demo mode yourself or watch the video i included. In the video Undying has 200 strength in normal form and 440 in Flesh Golem. One Whirling Death takes him down from 440 strength to 285. Thats a 35,2% decrease when it only should of been a 16% decrease. Even if Whirling Death removed 16% of 200 strength, which is what he has in normal form, and then is multiplied by 2,2 (because he's strength is increased by 120%) that would only make him loose 70,4 strength, but he looses 155!

There is also a bug with Slark using Essence Shift against Flesh Golem. He steals more strength than he should.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7849068481 - 24:04

ReneSchou commented 1 month ago

100% bugged

Aluerie commented 1 month ago