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TURBO matchmaking UPDATE #20227

Open Besfren opened 1 month ago

Besfren commented 1 month ago


Turbo needs to have a Ranked feature and force newbies or noobs to play RANKED or NORMAL to get better before playing in Turbo or Ability Draft. Ranked helps them get better at the game as they'll get queued with players of the same skill level while in Turbo, you get queued random skill level players hence in the description TURBO was meant for Advanced Players. Please rectify this as I've been playing in Turbo for years and keeps getting 9/10 matches with NOOBS or Newbies.

I have asked this previously but apparently was ignored so I wanted to place it on the Issues thread so it can be rectified. Matchmaking sucks and only way to gauge the opponent in queue is to have DOTA PLUS which is not ideal. We shouldn't have to pay for this system that you can fix without DOTA PLUS and even with the said DOTA PLUS, you are still unsure of the matches even if you requeue multiple times.

I ask you to FIX MATCHMAKING in TURBO or at least make a RANKED FEATURE for it as trying to carry noob teammates VS good or average team isn't ideal.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

No response


No response

Jordan11599 commented 1 month ago

First off, turbo is not meant to be fully competitive, ranked is. Some people use turbo as a quick way to relax, and others see it as a competitive area, both of which are fine.

All game modes, including turbo, have a hidden mmr system that is calculated by your wins/losses. If you are places within "newer players" then I would safely gather that this is your skill bracket, irregardless of how many years you've been playing.

Just a bit of advice, I would recommend getting overwolf (the dotaplus addon). It is free, and is fine by Valve to use that allows you to see ranks of players in your turbo games after draft.

vanndano commented 1 month ago

People need to chill the fk out in turbo. Where else are you meant to play silly strats or try things if not in unranked or turbo? YOu also have a metric literally telling you how balanced and closely ranked people are.

People like this report for the sake of it, and that only incentivizes other players to do the same.

Besfren commented 1 month ago

All game modes, including turbo, have a hidden mmr system that is calculated by your wins/losses. If you are places within "newer players" then I would safely gather that this is your skill bracket, irregardless of how many years you've been playing.

Apparently my skillset isn't a newbie or herald so this system clearly sucks balls and if it calculates my win/loss ratio then it's precisely because of this stupid system that I got a lot of losses as it matches me with players who are entirely herald or newbies. I think the system matches me with newbies because I give advices so next time I'll try to be a douchebag and it might match me with players who are good both in manners and gameplay as I always get the opposite.

Turbo SHOULD have a better matchmaking if it is intended for fun, as matching with newbies or noobs as either your team or enemies is gonna be one sided.

People need to chill the fk out in turbo. Where else are you meant to play silly strats or try things if not in unranked or turbo? YOu also have a metric literally telling you how balanced and closely ranked people are.

People like this report for the sake of it, and that only incentivizes other players to do the same.

I could say the same thing, People need to chill the fk out in ranked. Where else are you meant to play silly strats or try things if not in ranked wherein you get matched with players of your own skill level? Silly guy, you need dota plus to see the metric you are talking about and even if it does, it will show you at most a balance of 5 players, meaning it's like 5 enemies are good and you're stuck with the noobs.

Also, I don't report this for the sake of it. It's best to clearly differentiate players with advanced skill level thus enforcing newbies to play NORMAL or RANKED before turbo like say 100 games like a tutorial that people actually are forced to do. Without doing something to this, it only incentivizes NO ONE to do the same.

Jordan11599 commented 1 month ago

Apparently my skillset isn't a newbie or herald so this system clearly sucks balls and if it calculates my win/loss ratio then it's precisely because of this stupid system that I got a lot of losses as it matches me with players who are entirely herald or newbies.

If you are losing to heralds and newbies then yes, you are accurately placed at your rank. The facts are, that this is a skill issue you personally need to overcome and not to blame teammates / system.

I think the system matches me with newbies because I give advices so next time I'll try to be a douchebag and it might match me with players who are good both in manners and gameplay as I always get the opposite.

This has absolutely nothing to do with MMR or hidden MMR.

Turbo SHOULD have a better matchmaking if it is intended for fun, as matching with newbies or noobs as either your team or enemies is gonna be one sided.

Hidden MMR is in place to allow for better matchmaking. As hidden MMR is not based off of shown MMR, games can sometimes be one sided, but improves over time.

Where else are you meant to play silly strats or try things if not in ranked

Turbo / unranked / ability draft / custom game modes.

Silly guy, you need dota plus to see the metric you are talking about and even if it does, it will show you at most a balance of 5 players, meaning it's like 5 enemies are good and you're stuck with the noobs.

No Dota-plus required:

Also, I don't report this for the sake of it. It's best to clearly differentiate players with advanced skill level thus enforcing newbies to play NORMAL or RANKED before turbo like say 100 games like a tutorial that people actually are forced to do. Without doing something to this, it only incentivizes NO ONE to do the same.

Valve has made it clear that ranked is the competitive scene. This is highlighted by the fact that ranked requires 100 hours of playtime. Playtime can be acquired through other casual game modes such as: Unranked, Turbo.

This is an extremely unpopular opinion and take on the current state of Dota and I cannot see Valve ever making Turbo competitive anytime soon.