ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Glimmer Cape invisibility effect not working #20434

Open slancio opened 1 month ago

slancio commented 1 month ago

Item name

Glimmer Cape


Rubick player decides to chase Lich player in river. Lich player uses Glimmer Cape but Lich can still be seen by the Rubick player despite no sentry wards or gem. Spell Steal cast on Lich at same time as applied Glimmer may be contributing factor. Rubick player uses vision of supposedly-invisible Lich to secure a kill.

Attached is a clip from the game using Rubick's player view.

Example Match ID and Timestamp

7869783645 - 32:57

Jordan11599 commented 1 month ago

There is fade time with glimmer

slancio commented 1 month ago

The fade time is 0.5 seconds but as you should be able to see the Lich is seen through the full 5 seconds of invisibility.

Jordan11599 commented 1 month ago

Nothing in this clip indicates a bug, He steal a spell during fade time then guesses where the lich goes while the clip ends.

slancio commented 1 month ago

Nothing in this clip indicates a bug, He steal a spell during fade time then guesses where the lich goes while the clip ends.

This video is the Rubick player's Player Perspective. He is not guessing where the Lich goes. He can literally see it. If you pull up the replay and use Rubick's player view, you will see exactly what is in this clip.

I reviewed this replay with multiple other parties before submitting this ticket. It's either a bug or the player is outright cheating, but given that it can be seen in the replay from the player's perspective, I am defaulting to bug.