ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Visage Ultimate ability unusable in ranked matchmaking #20663

Open mikethabeast opened 1 month ago

mikethabeast commented 1 month ago

Ability name

Summon Familliars


I could not summon nor use my ultimate ability on Visage, which is the only ability I should be using during a ranked match but it won't allow me to use it. Just a blackened icon of my ability is available, and my ulti is unusable, if if I restart dota 2, and disconnect and reconnect from dota2. The whole game was a miserable experience for me, as i can't use my one and only ULTIMATE ABILITY UNUSABLE. I became a ward because of that. FIX THAT SHIT PLS

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)


Malgys commented 1 month ago

Was it set to Alt-Cast? The alt-cast for the ultimate teleports the birds to you, but does not summon new ones.