ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
1.49k stars 85 forks source link

Valve shit company whith no idea how to produce quality games #20860

Open StaikowskyD opened 3 months ago

StaikowskyD commented 3 months ago


I hard carry 7 games in a row getting queued with the most subhuman players on the earth. After that win streak i get queued with the most subhuman people on this planet plus the most toxic, I hard carry the games but i get offlaner and mid player that feeds 0/10 on min 10 SEVEN TIMES IN A ROW. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP. IF YOU THINK THAT THE 50% win rate is an illusion, IT IS FUCKING NOT. How can you make such a perfect game into a shit show. If Blizzard kept this game they would make it better even thought they are a bigger scam that you, valve. On top of that i lost 1k behaviour score cause an axe rushing blade mail and arcane blink thinks he is the best player in the world just reports me for nothing. This is 6k bracket on EU btw. You are a joke and this game is a joke. I have to attend anger managment or else i think i might shoot fat ass gaben in the head. You suck at coding you suck at game developing. You are ruining dota 2 just like you did CS GO. How can valve's staff be so illiterate, uncreative and downright bad at programming idk :D

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Jordan11599 commented 3 months ago
