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naga can slow hasted heroes #21200

Open a100kpm opened 3 weeks ago

a100kpm commented 3 weeks ago

Ability name



Deluge facet allow naga to slow hasted heroes, such as lycan. Haste (such as lycan's) set your ms and specifically states that you cannot be slowed Also, (if relevant) the rule on multiple source of move speed, when hasted, has always been to keep the highest value.

Just happened in betboom versus nouns

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)


eevyern commented 3 weeks ago

Is this a bug? Deluge specifically states that 'movement speed is capped to 225'. No matter how hasted you are, you will be capped at 225.

a100kpm commented 3 weeks ago

I mean, we have concurrent definition. haste set ms to 550 (most of time) and doesn't allow any decrease of that value. (the cannot be slowed is a consequence of it).

And when you have multiple "set of ms" the rule has always been, keep the highest value (for example, weaver with the ms facet, + haste will have both its ms set to 550 and its ms set to 600, and thus go to 600 cause highest value. (this rule has been implemented when bloodseeker first was able to break ms cap; because he was slowing down by picking up an haste rune)

Here naga set the ms to 225, and haste set it to 550, it should then be 550.

Edit: In anycase, we could do with a new mechanics (and thus keep current behaviour), but then it needs to be clarified properly Edit2: i Would agree with you, if haste was working like in dota1, doing something like +10 000% ms

LilRotini04 commented 2 weeks ago

the haste rune says it "increases movement speed to maximum" so if your max MS is 225 thats what haste will give you

a100kpm commented 2 weeks ago

It is factually wrong. when windranger had 600 ms cap with left facet, haste gave 550 ms to her, so not max ms. You could go there: and read: Hastes increase a unit's minimum and maximum movement speed to a specific value. Hasted units cannot be slowed below the hasted value. Which is a completely different thing from the old wiki, and closer to reality.