ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Compendium "weekly challenge" now more likely the limit #21390

Open centralnui opened 2 weeks ago

centralnui commented 2 weeks ago


Hello. According to this: pic

We are able to earn 1500pt each day, but more of that we can earn 100pt for every lose and 300pt for every win. Sounds nice. The trouble is when this reached to 12000, I receive no points for lose or win.

You also call it "WEEKLY CHALLENGE", is it supposed to award us with something upon reaching 12000pt, like more points or anything else? Me, personally, got nothing when its reached 12000/12000.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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centralnui commented 2 weeks ago

More of that, it says that I can get 1,500 points for the first win of the day, but when I won I got nothing! 2 You have to do something with this guys.