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Pugna's Life Drain on allies is not affected by Holy Locket #21516

Open RileyBenjaminP opened 2 weeks ago

RileyBenjaminP commented 2 weeks ago

Ability name

Life Drain


When Pugna purchases Holy Locket, it does not change the heal provided by Life Drain when used on allies (this is a pretty common purchase on support Pugna, oops).

without Locket: image

with Locket: image

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7920312553 (this match has the issue but it's easier to just check this in demo mode)

RileyBenjaminP commented 2 weeks ago

Well, someone left a long comment and then deleted it when I replied. Little weird.

Windheart-Dev commented 3 days ago

I think this is because when life drain is cast on allies, it is actually them who casts life drain on Pugna like an enemy. I mean, that's probably not exactly how it works. If an ally has holy locket and Pugna casts life drain on them, this amplifies the healing they receive. Same goes for using decrepify on an ally, which increases their received healing. In this screenshot, instead of Pugna, LC has holy locket. Life drain heals her for 112.5 which is 25% more than 90, clearly proving life drain works in this certain instance.


This might be totally intentional, or not. Who knows. It's most likely related to how life drain used to work before 7.33. Pugna's own magic resistance would decrease his healing output because his healing was directly related to how much damage he deals with life drain. Since life drain deals damage to Pugna it would reduce the damage he takes AND reduce the heal he does. Imagine buying glimmer for a support being actually a bad idea, lol. But eh, they made the healing independent of damage, and he got so busted (especially because he has insane int gain and they made int grant magic resist on the same patch) they had to nerf life drain's healing and make it weaker than the damage it does. But anyways, holy locket on Pugna still does not increases the heal he receives from casting life drain on enemies. So it IS definitely wrong. Hopefully more people will see this issue and give it a thumbs up.