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Ancient Apparation bug #265

Open WasBooking opened 2 years ago

WasBooking commented 2 years ago

Ability name

Ice Blast


bkb activated after death video:

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)


NMOTH commented 2 years ago

What is the bug here? BKB going on CD in demo mode? is it only doing this on storm? has this happened in an actual match ( if yes provide ID). Note some behaviors are different demo mode ( which is a separate issue on its own)

NMOTH commented 2 years ago

Yes Ice blast kills through bkb. This is not a bug. Please refer to ability description as well. image

please close this thanks

WasBooking commented 2 years ago

Yes Ice blast kills through bkb. This is not a bug. Please refer to ability description as well. image

please close this thanks

storm dies in stun, he can't press bkb in any way, but it goes into cd, i'll close it

TheUnholyWrath commented 2 years ago

Yeah Ice Blast shatter is letting you BKB when you're "dead". I was wrong before, was testing it out and didn't look at it again before posting. Think of it like if you just die to ravage there, you try to queue up BKB but you die before you can use it, shatter isn't resolving correctly. You're shattering to ravage damage but still getting the BKB off before you actually die

WasBooking commented 2 years ago

Yeah Ice Blast shatter is letting you BKB when you're "dead". I was wrong before, was testing it out and didn't look at it again before posting. Think of it like if you just die to ravage there, you try to queue up BKB but you die before you can use it, shatter isn't resolving correctly. You're shattering to ravage damage but still getting the BKB off before you actually die

so is this a bug or not?

TheUnholyWrath commented 2 years ago


Sorry for editing a lot this is weird and confusing, this has to be a bug. We're using BKB when we're supposed to be stunned by ravage. It shouldn't let you BKB before you shatter here

TheUnholyWrath commented 2 years ago

Ravage shouldn't be getting removed before Ice Blast damage. Seems like we lose the ravage debuff because we are in range to shatter, but because we're not stunned anymore we can BKB.

isRobertMa commented 2 years ago

This is an interesting one, it is certainly worth looking into. After all, the logical sense is you take ravage and die, since you are stunned during the whole duration you shouldn't be able to use BKB. I think this might be an example of the BKB "insert game tick" mechanic gone wrong example. There is a Reddit post about the inconsistency you can check right here, mechanically wise it does exactly what it suppose to do, however, in this situation, the BKB tick insert itself between ending the stun and the tick you die, thus we have this frustrating experience.