The heroes below show restore time, but the number doesn't change if you have cooldown reduction.
Some of these has some different behaviors, i'll explain in detail below. But they all share the same issue when it comes to cooldown reduction(the heroes with no detail, only suffer from cooldown reduction not showing). We should not have to be guessing what cooldown a spell has. We only see it if we use all the charges and the spell icon show us the cooldown.
AM aghs: If the upgrade you get from shard or aghs grants you a new spell, instead of upgrading an existence spell.
It show the cooldown, but the number doesn't change if you have cooldown reduction.
Brood webs and shard: Same as AM(webs only has the cooldown reduction)
Dark Seer aghs: The tooltip for cooldown is gone. It does show in the aghs description if you hover over the spell(see picture in the bottom and read part Shadow Demon for more detail).
Death Prophet Spirit Siphon
Earth Spirit stones
Ember Fire Remnant
Hoodwink Scurry
Mirana Leap
Riki Blink Strike
OD aghs: Same as Dark Seer
Slark aghs: Same as Dark Seer
Sniper Shrapnel
Shadow Demon: His shard upgrade "demonic cleanse" is the only ability in the game that show the cooldown(when you have aghs that give it 3 charges). This is how we should expect abilities to behave when they gain charges. Meanwhile his ulti behaves like the rest, cooldown is gone. Yes it does say in his aghs description, but it's not good enough. We should be able to see the regular cooldown number as well. It should also change when we have any form for cooldown reduction. Here is a short video of Shadow Demon with his upgrades:
Techies Proximity Mines
Treant aghs: Same as AM
Void Spirit ulti and aghs: Same as Dark Seer(ulti only has the cooldown reduction issue).
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54 Charge based ulties showing as ready, even if they're on cooldown. Might correlate to this topic. Since it doesn't have a "normal" cooldown number to pull from. Therefore it always show as ready. Using Blood Seeker as an example, he has a 0.3 internal cooldown on Rupture(when you have 25 talent). And the green dot on the top bar goes away for 0.3 sec. Shadow Demon is the only hero that has its own interaction(missing ulti indicator on the top bar). I've no clue what's going on there.
Hero and spell
A lot of heroes and spells
The heroes below lose their cooldown in tooltip, when upgraded and get charges on their abilities.
Quick example with Dawn and Brew:
The heroes below show restore time, but the number doesn't change if you have cooldown reduction. Some of these has some different behaviors, i'll explain in detail below. But they all share the same issue when it comes to cooldown reduction(the heroes with no detail, only suffer from cooldown reduction not showing). We should not have to be guessing what cooldown a spell has. We only see it if we use all the charges and the spell icon show us the cooldown.
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54 Charge based ulties showing as ready, even if they're on cooldown. Might correlate to this topic. Since it doesn't have a "normal" cooldown number to pull from. Therefore it always show as ready. Using Blood Seeker as an example, he has a 0.3 internal cooldown on Rupture(when you have 25 talent). And the green dot on the top bar goes away for 0.3 sec. Shadow Demon is the only hero that has its own interaction(missing ulti indicator on the top bar). I've no clue what's going on there.