ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Game crash #591

Open malefient opened 2 years ago

malefient commented 2 years ago


Just another sudden game crash

Here's the crash dump:

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.25111.1000 AMD64 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [G:\Program Files\steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\bin\win64\dota2_2022_0604_223224_0_accessviolation.mdmp] Comment: 'Crash Uptime( 24818.651622 ) Total frames( 3312901 ) Curtime( 1565.512329 ) Realtime( 1546.137573 ) Current Map: '(unknown)' Addons: VPK overrides: SpawnCount: 2 Command Line: "dota2.exe" -steam +engine_experimental_drop_frame_ticks 1 +voice_fadeouttime 0 -prewarm_panorama +@panorama_experimental_overdraw_prevention 0 +map_enable_background_maps 0 -novid -vulkan Build: 9344 (revision 7296923) OS: Windows 10 Enterprise (Build: 19044) (UBR: 1741) (Administrator User) OS type: Windows 10 (17) Windows Game DVR: ENABLED Windows Game Mode: active App UI Language: english, convar english, localization english Windows user default LCID: 0x0419 Misc: rate 80000 update 30 latency 44 msec Net: =[A:1:3536261124:20442] Time: Sat Jun 4 10:32:24 2022 Engine thread pool: 5 thread(s)

VR NOT ENABLED Launch path: G:\Program Files\steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\bin\win64\dota2.exe Render system: Vulkan Driver Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Driver Version: 471.68.0.0 VendorId / DeviceId: 0x10de / 0x1b06 SubSystem / Rev: 0x0 / 0x0 DXLevel: 110 Texture memory: 11,086,462,976 Vid: Borderless Window, render at 2560 x 1440, display at 2560 x 1440, refresh rate 0.00Hz (75Hz desktop) Version:0, cpu_level:2, mem_level:2, gpu_mem_level:2, defaultres:2560, defaultresheight:1440, gpu_level:3, version:1, knowndevice:0, refreshrate_numerator:0, refreshrate_denominator:0, fullscreen:0, coop_fullscreen:0, nowindowborder:1, mat_vsync:0, fullscreen_min_on_focus_loss:1, high_dpi:0, cl_particle_fallback_base:0, cl_particle_fallback_multiplier:0, dota_cheap_water:0, r_deferred_height_fog:1, r_deferred_simple_light:1, r_ssao:1, cl_globallight_shadow_mode:2, r_dota_fxaa:1, r_deferred_additive_pass:1, dota_portrait_animate:1, r_deferred_specular_bloom:1, r_deferred_specular:1, dota_ambient_creatures:1, dota_ambient_cloth:1, r_texture_stream_mip_bias:0, r_dota_normal_maps:1, r_dashboard_render_quality:1, shaderquality:1, recommendedheight:2160, r_grass_quality:2, r_dota_allow_wind_on_trees:1, r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping:1, r_dota_bloom_compute_shader:0, r_depth_of_field:1, mat_viewportscale:1.000000, r_fullscreen_gamma:2.200000, r_dota_fsr_upsample:0, useadvanced:1,

System Memory: Memory load: 55% Total physical memory: 16308.39 MiB Free physical memory: 7241.11 MiB Total page file: 21684.39 MiB Free page file: 4685.48 MiB

Registered comments: [1b5bdd]HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE): loop(levelload) id(3) addons() desc(Idle (levelload)) [1b5bdd]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [3] addons [] [1b5d5a]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( levelload, 3 ) [1b5d61]CHostStateMgr::Activate(Idle (levelload)) [1b5d62]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop game requested: id [3] addons [] [1b5e45]m_nServerCount:2 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:loopback [1b6275]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( game, 3 ) [8eb6c3]HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME): loop(remoteconnect) id(4) addons() desc(Remote Connect (=[A:1:2367699971:20441])) [8eb6c3]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop remoteconnect requested: id [4] addons [] [8eb7ba]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( remoteconnect, 4 ) [8eb9a1]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [4] addons [] [8eb9e6]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( levelload, 4 ) [8eba0d]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop game requested: id [4] addons [] [8ebcef]m_nServerCount:2 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:=[A:1:2367699971:20441] [8ebdf0]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( game, 4 ) [8ebdf2]CHostStateMgr::Activate(Remote Connect (=[A:1:2367699971:20441])) [abc22b]HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE): loop(levelload) id(5) addons() desc(Idle (levelload)) [abc22b]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [5] addons [] [abc466]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( levelload, 5 ) [abc46b]CHostStateMgr::Activate(Idle (levelload)) [abc48c]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop game requested: id [5] addons [] [abc631]m_nServerCount:3 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:loopback [abcfca]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( game, 5 ) [c312c9]HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME): loop(remoteconnect) id(6) addons() desc(Remote Connect (=[A:1:3406009352:20441])) [c312c9]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop remoteconnect requested: id [6] addons [] [c313d2]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( remoteconnect, 6 ) [c315db]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [6] addons [] [c31621]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( levelload, 6 ) [c31645]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop game requested: id [6] addons [] [c31918]m_nServerCount:2 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:=[A:1:3406009352:20441] [c31a14]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( game, 6 ) [c31a16]CHostStateMgr::Activate(Remote Connect (=[A:1:3406009352:20441])) [106246c]HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE): loop(levelload) id(7) addons() desc(Idle (levelload)) [106246c]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [7] addons [] [1062663]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( levelload, 7 ) [106266b]CHostStateMgr::Activate(Idle (levelload)) [106266c]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop game requested: id [7] addons [] [1062788]m_nServerCount:4 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:loopback [1062a48]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( game, 7 ) [115cc35]HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME): loop(remoteconnect) id(8) addons() desc(Remote Connect (=[A:1:2224378891:20442])) [115cc35]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop remoteconnect requested: id [8] addons [] [115cd1a]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( remoteconnect, 8 ) [115cf3b]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [8] addons [] [115cf75]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( levelload, 8 ) [115cfc7]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop game requested: id [8] addons [] [115d2d3]m_nServerCount:2 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:=[A:1:2224378891:20442] [115d38e]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( game, 8 ) [115d390]CHostStateMgr::Activate(Remote Connect (=[A:1:2224378891:20442])) [142250b]HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_IDLE): loop(levelload) id(9) addons() desc(Idle (levelload)) [142250b]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [9] addons [] [14226a4]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( levelload, 9 ) [14226ac]CHostStateMgr::Activate(Idle (levelload)) [14226ad]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop game requested: id [9] addons [] [142279f]m_nServerCount:5 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:loopback [1422baa]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( game, 9 ) [16314ab]HostStateRequest::Start(HSR_GAME): loop(remoteconnect) id(10) addons() desc(Remote Connect (=[A:1:3536261124:20442]))[16314ab]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop remoteconnect requested: id [10] addons [] [16315b8]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( remoteconnect, 10 ) [16317b8]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop levelload requested: id [10] addons [] [16317f9]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( levelload, 10 ) [163182f]CEngineServiceMgr::SwitchToLoop game requested: id [10] addons [] [1631b05]m_nServerCount:2 ishltv:no m_nRetryNum:1 szRetryAddress:=[A:1:3536261124:20442] [1631c3d]CEngineServiceMgr::Activating loop ( game, 10 ) [1631c3f]CHostStateMgr::Activate(Remote Connect (=[A:1:3536261124:20442]))

ConVars (non-default):

                                           var                            value                          default
                               snd_musicvolume                                0                                1
                      engine_cpu_info_extended 6 CPUs, Frequency: 3.6 GHz,  Fea                                 
              dota_lane_selection_hard_support                                0                                1
                      engine_rendersystem_init                          -vulkan                                 
                           snd_gamevoicevolume                                0                                1
                           dota_spectator_mode                                1                                0
                             voice_fadeouttime                                0                            0.005
         engine_allow_multiple_ticks_per_frame                                0                                1
                           cl_network_quality2                                1                               -1
                      dota_matchgroups_version                              107                                0
              dota_defer_panorama_on_sim_ticks                                1                                0
                     vprof_scope_entity_thinks                                1                                0
                         d3d_max_feature_level                             11_1                        <Not set>
                  dota_lane_selection_safelane                                0                                1
                                     cl_interp                            0.033                            0.016
                                 engine_ostype                       Windows 10                                 
                    dota_matchgroups_automatic                              128                                0
                   dota_competitive_game_modes                          4194304                                0
                                   default_fov                               75                               90
              dota_lane_selection_soft_support                                0                                1
                     r_texturefilteringquality                                3                                1
                                    sv_minrate                            80000                             5000
                           r_texture_pool_size                             9548                             1600
    @panorama_experimental_overdraw_prevention                                0                                1
                          dota_matchgroups_new                              388                                0
                               cl_interp_ratio                                1                                2
                   dota_lane_selection_offlane                                0                                1
                                 cl_updaterate                               30                               20
                      engine_rendersystem_used                -vulkan (from CL)                                 
                                snd_gamevolume                         0.183121                                1
                                       fps_max                       181.085541                              120
                                      hostname                   Гарольд                                 
                                snd_voipvolume                                0                                1
                             dota_hud_netgraph                                1                                0
                                tv_transmitall                                1                                0
                 engine_platform_name_extended                             pc64                                 
                                   think_limit                                0                               10
                 r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping                                1                                0
         dota_enable_direct_quickcast_bindings                             true                            false
              dota_hud_contextual_tips_disable                             true                            false
        dota_summoned_units_auto_attack_mode_2                               -1                                2
              dota_custom_game_difficulty_mask                                2                                0
     dota_conduct_scorecard_latest_ack_seq_num                              637                                0
           dota_player_auto_repeat_right_mouse                             true                            false
                        dota_minimap_hero_size                       885.775757                       600.000000
                    dota_match_solo_fast_queue                             true                            false
                         dota_selection_groups                            false                             true
                     hero_grid_selected_config        0:#DOTA_Armory_Attributes                                 
        dota_weekend_tourney_selected_division                                2                                0
                           dota_anonymous_mode                             true                            false
                             dota_screen_shake                            false                             true
                     dota_highest_seen_item_id                      23783945571                                0
                dota_splash_ad_acknowledged_id                              113                                0
                                 dota_hud_flip                            false                             true
                                          name                   Гарольд                          unnamed
                    dota_minimap_misclick_time                         0.500000                         0.200000
                         sound_device_override          Source2SDLDefaultDevice                                 
            dota_player_units_auto_attack_mode                                0                                1
                 dota_default_spoilers_blocked                             true                            false
                     dota_client_first_session                            false                             true
                   dota_dashboard_launch_count                               41                                0
                dota_new_player_seen_learn_tab                             true                            false
             dota_player_channels_require_stop                             true                            false
                  dota_active_play_section_new                                1                               11

Console History (reversed)

5288(24771.377683): Tried to UTIL_Remove a networked entity (1369/) on the client, the server controls lifespan, ignoring 5287(24761.375923): Cannot parse AE_CL_CLOTH_ATTR stifen(0.5,0.1,0.6): unrecognized function stifen, please use pab, pas, vab, vas 5286(24761.375917): Cannot parse AE_CL_CLOTH_ATTR stifen(0.5,0.1,0.6): unrecognized function stifen, please use pab, pas, vab, vas 5285(24752.839148): Recv msg 26 (k_ESOMsg_UpdateMultiple), 17437 bytes 5284(24726.539556): Unable to find a valid model handle for m_bModelFromRenderer in 'particles/items5_fx/neutral_treasurebox_lvl1.vpcf' 5283(24726.539551): Unable to find a valid model handle for m_bModelFromRenderer in 'particles/items5_fx/neutral_treasurebox_lvl1.vpcf' 5282(24720.407092): Unable to find a valid model handle for m_bModelFromRenderer in 'particles/items5_fx/neutral_treasurebox_lvl1.vpcf' 5281(24720.407086): Unable to find a valid model handle for m_bModelFromRenderer in 'particles/items5_fx/neutral_treasurebox_lvl1.vpcf' 5280(24642.097893): Certificate expires in 4h07m at 1654385834 (current time 1654370967), will renew in 2h07m 5279(24631.372907): Unable to find a valid model handle for m_bModelFromRenderer in 'particles/items5_fx/neutral_treasurebox_lvl1.vpcf' 5278(24631.372901): Unable to find a valid model handle for m_bModelFromRenderer in 'particles/items5_fx/neutral_treasurebox_lvl1.vpcf' 5277(24599.010124): Unable to find a valid model handle for m_bModelFromRenderer in 'particles/items5_fx/neutral_treasurebox_lvl1.vpcf' 5User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

***** Path validation summary ** Response Time (ms) Location Deferred srv Symbol search path is: srv Executable search path is: Windows 10 Version 19044 MP (6 procs) Free x64 Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS Machine Name: Debug session time: Sat Jun 4 22:32:24.000 2022 (UTC + 3:00) System Uptime: not available Process Uptime: 0 days 6:53:40.000 ................................................................ ................................................................ ............................................. Loading unloaded module list ....... This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it. The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr. (10b8.10cc): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v ntdll!NtGetContextThread+0x14: 00007ffa`c828eb74 c3 ret

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

No response


No response

Dopwop commented 2 years ago

I don't think this is the place to post crash logs. I recommend verifying integrity of game files via steam.

malefient commented 2 years ago

If you are a developer (not a generic redditor) the first thing you need to look when facing a bug (crash) is a log. I would appreciate answer from a relevant devolper concerning the matters.

NMOTH commented 2 years ago

Yes the first thing you do is look at crash log. But the smart thing to do verify integrity of game files. And search for previous solutions. Which resolves majority of issues. -actual developer

malefient commented 2 years ago

@NMOTH I already did verify files otherwise i wouldnt took it to github. It didn't help. What could be the next move in resolving this problem?

NMOTH commented 2 years ago

@NMOTH I already did verify files otherwise i wouldnt took it to github. It didn't help. What could be the next move in resolving this problem?

check you PC meets the program execution specs. Lack of memory or inability to handle particles causes crashes.

Crashes often happen for 2 reasons: 1) program is looking for a file that is no longer in existence ( verifying integrity of files solves this) 2) program runs out of memory for which you can do the following to mitigate:

-Uninstall the game

malefient commented 2 years ago

System Memory: Memory load: 55% Total physical memory: 16308.39 MiB Free physical memory: 7241.11 MiB Total page file: 21684.39 MiB Free page file: 4685.48 MiB

I guess memory is not an issue

malefient commented 2 years ago

@NMOTH how are you doing buddy? I've got 2 new crashes for you