ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Open flush888 opened 1 year ago

flush888 commented 1 year ago


Hey! As a player, I would like to suggest changes to improve the Dota 2 community. So let's start with PUNISHMENT OF PLAYERS Leaving the game is not penalized as there are too many players who quickly give up, the team plays 4 on 6. Make 6 instead of 3 LOW PRIORITY, or 10 instead of 5 for Ruiners (afk on fountain, breaking items, feeders, setting sentries in the jungle of teammates, etc.) Instead of a leaver, you can take a bot or a player with a lower rating, but do not punish the leavers, players can leave the game as much as they like, thus they will quickly lose points. Once the player has left, he will be replaced by a very good bot, until the system finds a replacement for the player, pause, while the system tries to find a replacement for the player or bot, no one can unpause. Instead of a bot, a substitute player with a lower rating enters, if the player deceived everyone and / or he cannot / does not want to play this hero or is too toxic, then 4 players have the right to kick the player from the team until a replacement is found or end the game with the bot . If the griefer has played 5 LP games and continues to rule more than 2 games within 24 hours, then we prohibit the player from taking ranked games for 2 days, if the ruiner/griefer continues to ruin games, then we prohibit the player from taking ranked games for 7 days, With each time, the ban time for the choice of ranked games increases. Right to leave the game: The player can leave the game at any stage or before the end of 10/20 minutes, the points will be deducted, but the players CANNOT complain about him. Please enter an unlimited ability to complain about a player for ruining / upsetting the game, if the fault is proven, then punishment will follow. Punish should be for false reports as well. Give back MMR points to team, because they had ruiner/griefier in the game. ITEMS FOR FREEING UP SLOTS Put boots of travel instead of teleport and make active All supplies (tango,dust,gem,clarity,sentries,observer ward,mango,faerie fire,aegis,cheese,refresher from roshan and others, add the list yourself) can WORK in backpack The rest of the items still do not work in the backpack. Aegis can be swallowed as a Aghanim`s scepter and the status bar will display that player has aegis and timing too ITEMS make a 100% unmissable Monkey king bar, because when you hit Pa, every 4th attack is a miss, which adds imbalance to the game
HEROES Please, decrease number of illusions of Phantom Lancer by 2 times. Please, decrease slark's passive ability to 20 seconds like ursa, slark should only steal agility and nothing else Tinker: should only have a soul ring to recharge, because hex, ethereal blade are infinite, and it makes an imbalance in the game Riki: Please, decrease range of darts 2x times, smoke of screen, and duration, make misses in riki fog no more than 40%. Phantom Assasin: misses should not exceed 50% in combination with the talents. Juggernaut: crits are powerful than daedalus,please decrease crits by 2 times or make CoolDown like WRAITH KING has it, and there is talent which gives 40 % vampirism to Jugg - it's too much,even passive satanic does not have it, just decrease it by 2 times As a player rooting for the game Dota 2, I am sure many will meet these changes with joy. I will only cry ruiners, their place in the UNRANKED games In League of Legends, I heard there is a mode BLIND PICK, this is when players do not see who picked opponents Thanks for the attention

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commentator24 commented 1 year ago

after the first person abandon in's not safe to leave but the next person can leave anytime or stay if can still win, you wont get "abandon" penalty even if not safe to leave.

lower mmr player replace d/c players = what's next, asking smurf friends / coach control them?😆 bots replace d/c players = bots blamed if feed / no extra gold. just silly. noone can unpause = abused by bad behaviour players, just pause then afk to piss off enemy team until the winning team leave? Penalty already increase if you often abandon..e.g. 5 LP not start with 1 or 3. Griefers get away without penalty before 10/20 mins? i dont get it Punishment for false reports? why not better detection system for false reports / auto report. No MMR change if griefer around = Not fair for winning team. and what about false reports? if backpack can use items / swallow aegis.. too much advantage for winning team. tp boot active, not bad. mkb 100%.. not fair for PA evasion talent. 20 sec slark.. too short. noone will play slark. i dont meet these changes with joy.