ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Open DPH09 opened 1 year ago

DPH09 commented 1 year ago


The matchmaking system is just broken, and its always happening for me in every fucking games. idk and why that i keep matched with at least one newbie who doesnt know how to play or just toxic player who kindly ruined the game with toxic behaviour in game such as support role but pick LS or just playing solo whole game doing what he want alone or support but not warding or all toxic behaviour combined at once. This experience made so frustrating playing this game, not fun anymore. There are no such a competitive match in the game because it was always one sided matchmaking where that is unfair. Its either you too ez to lose or too ez to win. This matchmaking system right now is just ridiculously unfair for one side of the team.

I have 6144 hours of playing this game but this last month is the peak where I feel the matchmaking system is just unforgiveable and cannot tolerate this anymore.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

No response


Screenshot 2023-01-31 233644 Screenshot 2023-01-31 233831 Screenshot 2023-01-31 233726

commentator24 commented 1 year ago

should know better by now: people's true character is shown when they lose games. you cant win alone and need to pay attention to teammates a bit more. why dont you just add the good players and party up? see if they like playing with you or maybe 5 man party..

what have you done or noticed about the game / team composition? you should get an idea whether you'll get good or bad teammates by queue time, their draft picks and profile diagrams.. e.g. instant / 1-2min que = harder game because you'll vs ppl waiting to find a game for a longer time..

this is one of core lina teammate as pos 1. image lack pushing / farming? I assume dont win much, havent destroyed T3 so zero push 😆 image this is a support that plays like carry. but I like it. knows how to farm, decent push and support. image while this looks like a good support, this is a lazy support who just ward and smoke and does nothing else. no push / fighting so probably lose a lot as well 😆 In this case i would buy more wards to see what he would do. he'll probably join more teamfight if he cant ward right? 🤣

when you see very low pushing you'll get an idea which teammates are reliable. high = reliable because obviously you need to destroy / deal a lot of building dmg to get high pushing. good fighting / farming but low push.. to me that just means you're not reliable hehe

DPH09 commented 1 year ago

What have I done? Everything in every aspec in game mechanic. I was playing pos 3, and I was forced to play supp role because my both supports were just not doing their job. I have to ward, dewarding, gank, buy smoke, lot of setntries, even dust because my supports werent buying detection for invisible enemies. I called for team move, to push, to pick up kill 1-2 hero, still no one come. They were just farming farming farming until 6 slotted items then talk big like they were playing 1v5.

imagine you are a carry spec, and your support np. Np goes to midas first, which is taking all farms the whole map. then no wonder this graph is exist. because all the camps and even lanes for carry is empty. then the np will say "slow farm". is that logic? even more than that, they bought only all the damage items. image

Meanwhile in enemy's team, they were just working perfectly as they role should be in game. I got that kind of matchmaking in 15+ games in a row. How does that possible tho, idk. All I know, the matchmaking system is unbalanced. imagine lose 500+ mmr in a week. ez lose, hard win

commentator24 commented 1 year ago

see the support np graph also low push = dont trust this guy 😁

whats the game id i wanna watch your games (must be <10 days old or cant dl btw) also dota algorithm is 50-50 winrate so if you had 15 bad games in a row, maybe u cant adapt to team playstyle?

and it's not like if sup played greedy u automatically lose. wards dust etc are just small part of the game. if lane is hard.. switch lane with offlane? did you ask sup to stack creeps / ask mid to gank? There is no way all 3 lanes lose / team just keep farming in 15 games. it's most likely your team don't know how to push T3 or lack communication to smoke gank.

dota shouldnt be that hard, you farm get 1 escape item then bkb, smoke gank, push when its 5v4. back when enemy respawn, get rs aegis to break T3 if run out of smoke.

DPH09 commented 1 year ago

easy to say, and I totally aggre with you about the communication in game. But believe it or not, its hard communicate with team in this crusader bracket. The player in this bracket just want to play with theirself, farming and be great and becoming hero for team who won the game solely by himself. I was trying a lot, typing, pinging, open voice comm, and even tell them or suggseting a plan to win the game. what should not be done, and how is the win condition. what item we need, how teamplay we need. Still, no respond at all.

but im not agree with dust, obs, sents, become a small part in the game. because one missed play without detection can be huge impact further. bad one.

you can watch this match id 7005817319 or 7027240789, no matter how hard you try to tell your team to not fight because you know the condition is not favorable for team, they just wont listen and keep doing that.